I actually "live" in NY but spend most of the the time in Honduras. So Im planning on canceling my sub, have my wife sign up for a new contract as a new customer with my NY address and ask for an EA setup.
From the guide I understand I am in one of the qualifiying DMA and will ask for Turbo HD so that should get me EA.
Thats my plan.
As it stands I have a basic sub as I currently can only get 119 with a 1.2, but with the 72.7 I can get AT250 without a prob and I'll get a second 1.8 to point to 61.5 for HD. I bought the 1.8 just to see if I got 72.7 which I did, if I hadn't I would have had a very large dish on 119 and a useless 1.2.