EchoStar 1 148 West On A Dish 500?

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Seemed like you had all the info you needed, and were proceeding in a logical direction.

No big deal, just was hoping for a little further reading from our Green LNB Guru! I always like to read & look at your diagrams, and such, so to proceed in a logical direction without ones logical perception on the subject, seemed not logical captain! ;)

If you want a link, how 'bout to one of our under-appreciated (for FTA) advertizers: DishStore.Net
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Those are some Dish 500 variations.

Note the I-adapter accessory, to put a single LNB on a Dish 500
Around my area, you see a lot of Dish 500's with a single LNB mounted into the traditional "Y" adapter.

edit: Sadoun also carries some of the DN dishes, if you're just looking for reference pictures.

Thanks!! :up
I know basic concepts of the circular LNBs and sub systems, I used to put in D* back in the mid 90’s, know concept but other than using one for FTA, forget it! Been so long ago in that stuff and also, was not sure on the tech part of these newer LNB’s that E* uses and what is in them, i.e. built in switches.

I will get one or the other to work today if it is the 300 or the 500 with the PLUS or just a standard DP head, got a spare or two of them floating around or the legacy head single LNB head Y Yoke, I will try all and stop on the one that works first. If none we will get out the chain saw and get it to work like it did on my Fortec Star 80CM!

Frankly I have too much here going on with my business to even care how or why Subscriber equipment works now or have the time to want to learn since I really don’t have too much time working with the FTA hobby over business! All I know is that DN get's enough money outta me each month for me not to really care you know!

I left that alone years ago when I hung up that belt & stopped being an installer for the money hungry guys! (well one of them!) :p

Anyways, the weekends are "Free" time sometimes, and I tinker! I am a simple man that I understand if I am shown or I read about it, works for me! Get it done right and fast the first time or don’t do it at all! :up

Got some time today out by the office with some DN dishes laying around so we will see! :rolleyes:

I was a little sidetracked with the 5.0 Earthquake here in LA tonight! :eek:
Scared the crap outta me, then when I went to see if any of the TV stations had anything on it... they didn't!

My my, earthquake, :eek: if the local TV had nothing it must have been a light one a shaken, did you feel anything there?

But a 5.0, you should have felt it wow! Don’t get squashed out there man!

What runs through a Satellite Guys mind here is: “I hope I don’t have to re-a line that BUD!” :D

Thanks for the buzz in Anole as always, I pray you stay safe!
I get 148w here on my motorized dishes using the Invacom Quad. One thing to consider... It seems that I am in a fringe area for this satellite, as I only get about 90 Q using a 36" dish (and all other Dish DBS birds peg my meter at 100 Q). Being even farther east of me, you might not get acceptable quality using an 18-20" range dish in poor weather.
Here is what I did to take a Dish 500 and put an old legacy LNBF on it for use on 148W.


  • Sat Dish 500 LNB mod.JPG
    Sat Dish 500 LNB mod.JPG
    187.9 KB · Views: 119
  • Sat Dish 500 LNB mod2.JPG
    Sat Dish 500 LNB mod2.JPG
    229.1 KB · Views: 145
  • Sat Dish 500 LNB mod3.JPG
    Sat Dish 500 LNB mod3.JPG
    164.2 KB · Views: 148
  • Sat Dish 500 LNB mod4.JPG
    Sat Dish 500 LNB mod4.JPG
    196.9 KB · Views: 141
  • Sat Dish 500 LNB mod6.JPG
    Sat Dish 500 LNB mod6.JPG
    181.6 KB · Views: 143
  • Sat Dish 500 and 1000 on tower2.JPG
    Sat Dish 500 and 1000 on tower2.JPG
    152.5 KB · Views: 145
Note the I-adapter accessory, to put a single LNB on a Dish 500
Around my area, you see a lot of Dish 500's with a single LNB mounted into the traditional "Y" adapter.
Guess that's all the installer had.... or all the hacker had... :confused:

The I adapter is for cosmetic look. I know most installers dont carry them and just use 1/2 a Y adapter ;)
Receiving 98% signal quality from 148 W on a D300 with Coolsat 5K and 98% signal quality from 148 W on a DS-2076 dish on motor with same 5K receiver. Location Omaha, Ne. This is a very HOT bird. Anyone ever detect any sat with a higher quality reading on the Coolsat receiver than 98%?

There are at least three nice perks to having this sat in your lineup.

Here is what I did to take a Dish 500 and put an old legacy LNBF on it for use on 148W.

Very Nice Pictures phlatwound!

Love that it is on that tower!! :cool:

Sorry for the day update delay!

I have two of the old legacy LNBF on a Bell ExpressVU dish, did just that! Was not really impressed with the numbers! The old Bell Dish is 300 size too; I Moved to the old Skyangel dish with the DN DP (DISH PRO) LNB and it is working with better results!

Thanks all for the help!!:up

Glad to hear you got it working! What sort of quality numbers are you getting? On the weakest transponder I'm getting numbers that are halfway between the lower threshold of receivability and 100%. That's pretty lousy for that satellite, but the tree branches are partially responsible for that.
Glad to hear you got it working! What sort of quality numbers are you getting? On the weakest transponder I'm getting numbers that are halfway between the lower threshold of receivability and 100%. That's pretty lousy for that satellite, but the tree branches are partially responsible for that.

Not bad! The weakest is giving me about 80 signal and 69% quality! But it was worse on the Bell Legacy style LNB, just stayed with the DN DP on the 300 dish and I am happy with that!

I do need to get the STIHL out sometime later on and trim some trees back but if this works, I can leave them up for a year, good shade trees are hard to come by around here!

I don’t expect that it would be any better using the 500. Although it is a bit bigger dish, the low elevation and there is still trees here somewhat in the LOS would not make a big improvement!

Thanks for the check in Machman! Got it done Sunday afternoon, now it is just a blind scan thing from time to time to see what goodies pop in ITC! Seen some good stuff here weeks ago but nothing seems to stay long!

After the change, who knows, it keeps me busy doing the hobby thought, what I can or can’t get by trying and the best part, if it works!
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Used equip-is it good?

What's the best C / KU combination LNB out there?

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