Eastern Arc


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 18, 2004
So its been awhile (I know some of you most likely recall me asking this same question a year ago lol) but with the introduction of the new Hooper whole home system I want to really make the switch this time :)

just curious how the Eastern arc satellites are holding up, if I recall the 61.5 bird is aging and near EOL, and the 72 bird is "new" not sure about the 77 unit... I guess I'd be curious how they are as far as rain fade and snow fade? I currently have DirecTV with a SWM-Slim3lnb setup and typically only loose it during heavy rain or the rare hurricane... being in CT not common (but with the past 18 months of weather I wouldn't be caught off if we had more ha)

I called Dish tonight to sign up and as I assumed its too early to sign up for the Hooper; but they said I could sign-up and switch the hardware out at any time to a Hooper and Joey with zero costs (which took me off guard) - I May setup an appoint till after the 15th and change it once they are in the system... As I really don't want to swap out new hardware soo soon - to me t seems like a waste.

Thanks and looking forward to being on Dish soon

oh in case any one 'cares' I want to switch due to lack of HD channels that DirecTV hasn't added nor seems likely, plus my promotions have all ended, don't really feel like pressing them for a break on service I don't really care for.
You don't need 77 and in fact it was reported Dish was going to install a two satellite Dish for most using the EA. Not sure about the aging comment or the need to worry about it, rain fade is what you would expect, just before the head of a heavy downpour. I have both arcs and see little difference in rain fade, WA perhaps just a little less often. In Florida that is a different outcome, and why in the Tampa area anyway they went back to the WA.
Because of the angle of the EA it will collect wet snow easier here. Under no circumstance would I get Dish now if the Hopper is what I really want based on a verbal answer I can just get it. In fact information from Dish appears to be the opposite.
hmmm so Dish is going back to using a wing dish setup for EA customers? Not sure i like that idea....

I have been noticing a "newer" looking E* Dish being installed in my local areas looks like a EA 1000.4 but is black. I assumed this is just a color change and nothing more. But I wouldn't want to dishes though.

thanks in advance
What I got from his statement was that it was just going to be a dual lnb install without 77.
Wing dish implies a second dish, never said that. Dish possibly saving money, know most of us do not need the 77 satellite. So as it was reported they may go with a two LNB dish for 61.5 and 72. By the way, it may get a slightly higher signal not having to include 77 in the settings.

"Dish was going to install a two satellite Dish" = one dish two satellites...
So its been awhile (I know some of you most likely recall me asking this same question a year ago lol) but with the introduction of the new Hooper whole home system I want to really make the switch this time :)

just curious how the Eastern arc satellites are holding up, if I recall the 61.5 bird is aging and near EOL, and the 72 bird is "new" not sure about the 77 unit... I guess I'd be curious how they are as far as rain fade and snow fade? I currently have DirecTV with a SWM-Slim3lnb setup and typically only loose it during heavy rain or the rare hurricane... being in CT not common (but with the past 18 months of weather I wouldn't be caught off if we had more ha)

I called Dish tonight to sign up and as I assumed its too early to sign up for the Hooper; but they said I could sign-up and switch the hardware out at any time to a Hooper and Joey with zero costs (which took me off guard) - I May setup an appoint till after the 15th and change it once they are in the system... As I really don't want to swap out new hardware soo soon - to me t seems like a waste.

Thanks and looking forward to being on Dish soon

oh in case any one 'cares' I want to switch due to lack of HD channels that DirecTV hasn't added nor seems likely, plus my promotions have all ended, don't really feel like pressing them for a break on service I don't really care for.

I wouldn't trust the free upgrade stuff. I'd wait until the 15th.
Wing dish implies a second dish, never said that. Dish possibly saving money, know most of us do not need the 77 satellite. So as it was reported they may go with a two LNB dish for 61.5 and 72. By the way, it may get a slightly higher signal not having to include 77 in the settings.

"Dish was going to install a two satellite Dish" = one dish two satellites...

Ahhh my bad - I see what you were saying. My fault for not reading it correctly.

So I don't need to worry about the 77 spot :)
I can't help but "pile on." DO NOT join now. Wait until you can get the H/J as a first install, new customer. As in "free."

FWIW, I'd go with the three satellite dish if given the option. Future proofing.
Yeah I have tried to upgrade many customers some only minutes after activating the system and Dish won't have it. You have to wait at least 6 months into the contact to do an upgrade contact or you can "buy" the new equipment.
is this 2lnb EA dish black and red? or is that all of E* new dish reflectors now? Reason is I have noticed maybe 6-10 of these "new" dishes in my area over the last few weeks.
The earc 1000.4 dish is more upright than the old mixed setup. Also faces the south much more than the southwest. I have not had much problem with rain fade except in a heavy thunderstormm Only have snow problems if the snow is very wet and that rarely happens here in upstate NY,
+1 on the black reflectors. The only light gray reflectors we use are the for the Dish 500 and 500+/1000+. The 1000.2 is the most common setup in our area

On the list...Kind of.

Thinking about DISH? I'd Think again.

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