If E* is not giving me my FSN in HD, they better not blackout Versus HD when they show my home teams round one games!
If E* is not giving me my FSN in HD, they better not blackout Versus HD when they show my home teams round one games!
Who is your home team?
please keep us posted to let us know if you get both VS and your local RSNs feed
I have channel 9463 in HD, Pitt/ Ott, My audio is NOT insync with the video though.
looks like there is an NHLHD channel on ch. 9463... unfortunately, you have to have versus in order to have the channel, even if you have the center ice package - kind of sucks...
VS. is available if you have america's top 250 package...
what is everyones opinion on the best way to get VS, just temporarily, while the playoffs on going on?
Just bump up your package - that's what I did. It's only for a couple of months and well worth the $ IMHO - especially with the HD.
Where's the freaking Pittsburgh Defence on that goal?
I understand not wanting to touch anything, don't want to loose a second, maybe during intermission, I'll reboot the reciever.
how much more is that going to cost? the wife already is not very happy with the tv/satellite package we have....
haha - nice.....
well, currently i have the at 100+ package, which is 39.99...
the 250 package is 52.99.... so 13 extra bucks a month, give or take the prorate....
how much would the charge be to downgrade? also, does it affect the contract I am in?
Looks like FSN is going to carry the Wings games here in Detroit. Which should mean VS HD blackout and crappy FSN SD picture. May have to try and catch it on CBC out of Windsor for a better SD pic. Will those with the CI package have it blacked out if FSN carries a game?