DVR specific install problem?

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Gooney Goo Goo
Original poster
Lifetime Supporter
Aug 20, 2004
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
DVR specific install problem? (resolved)

Someone feel free to point out what I'm missing something here.

New DTV install, 2 receivers, 1 DVR.

Works great.

Go buy another DVR retail, replace one of the standard receivers. (so what, only 1 cable to it, will upgrade that later)

Works great.

2 Days later... both DVRs stop getting signal from the 101. Hook a standard receiver up to where the DVRs are at... and it works fine. Before I took a DVR back to Best Buy to have it exchanged (after following all appropriate steps per DTV - Reset / cabling / etc) I even hook one of the DVRs up in the 3rd location... same problem.

Get the replacement from Best Buy... it does the same thing (and the Philips DSR704 i took back is no longer being produced so I have to get a RCA).

So I have replaced a DVR to no avail, and will have a tech here tomorrow who is just going to hook up a standard receiver and go 'it works fine, sorry' and leave.

Looking for suggestions, DTV is going to end up sending out a tech to replace stuff one at a time or something, I just dont understand why I'm having this problem - both DVRs having the same problem at the same time yet any standard receivers hooked up work perfectly, then replace a DVR and it immedietly has the same problem. Signal on the 110 and 119 are great.

Sometimes i get SOME signal back on a DVR, but consistantly never a signal on transponder 1, or 19. 19 = NFL network and ESPN /sigh.

I know what I'm doing internally with setting things up, the menus, etc - is there something else I can do/try? Can this be explained away with some technical thing w/ the installation, is there some DVR specific thing that can make this happen?

Apparently a friend is having a similar problem w/ his HD DVR.

Its late, will fill in any holes as i see responses.
Sorry, no help here. That is really odd sounds like MS at first but with the regular receivers running fine that doesn't jive. Can't be a crunched cable if its the same ch. & tp on different cables (unless they all got crunched same time).

In the event that no one has an answer and you figure ti out, please let us know. that is too weird, sounds like a bug, but it has not ever hit me. What SW version is on your DVR's?
Oops, realized i posted this in the wrong forum right after i smacked 'post' but didnt want to crosspost.

Software Ver. 3.1.1c-01-2-351

Patiently waiting for the tech to come out. Probably going to see what it'll cost me for him to run another line to my 2nd DVR, that'd get my multiswitch and stuff replaced for me too since only have 4 taps right now.
You're not in the wrong forum ... unless the mods move you here.

You do have the most current rev of the software. So you are positive that your multi-switch works and that there are no breaks / moisture in your connections? You did select the right dish type in the guided sueup too right? It is weird that this is an issue only on your DVRs, I have had DVRs from many providers and never had this issue or knew someone who did. Sorry, I know that isn't much help.

Please let us know what the installer finds! Thanks!
Quite alright, and i appreciate the replies.

To further perplex you, i have the solution.

Techs just left, they changed the ends of the cabling in the living room (despite the problem happening only when a DVR is hooked up, not when a standard receiver is hooked up) and that didnt work.

'Lets go replace the LNB'

That was it. They replaced it, and now 'm firing on all cylinders. Dont know enough about that stuff to be able to wrap my mind around it and say 'oh, now i understand' because it worked on standard receivers just fine implying that the install was fine.

/shrug - if it happens again in a couple days im gonna gouge my eyes out.
Cool, if I am not mistaken you have the triple LNB Phase III dish right? That has a multi-switch built in. Either way glad you're back up and running, that is ALL that matters!
I dont know the specifics of my dish, just know that the way its set up there's 4 ports, directly on the LNBs, no external multiswitch so ya its right there.

Now to read up on what to do to get another tap out of my installation so my 2nd DVR can utilize the 2nd tuner :).

Very happy things are working now.
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