It is simple, Dish wants to advertise that they have $19.99*** or $29.99*** packages (the other companies do the same with their price points).
***Ooops did we mention it is only available the first year, includes one TV in HD (29.99 package other is SD output 222). It costs $6/month more if you want a DVR (722k), $7/month more if you want the second TV in HD (211k), $40 one time fee if you want DVR on both TVs +7/month (single tuner only 211ks), $17 more if you want hopper for 2 TVs, etc.
It is not all the bad, if you only have one TV and do not count a $40 one time DVR fee you could get 1 TV in HD with a DVR (one sat tuner + OTA) at the base rate. Everything else is where they make their money.