DVR 522 - Search results and timer indicator


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Dec 7, 2004
Not sure if anyone keeps a list of enhancements to the 522.

In doing a search, let's say for "wood" (looking for wood working shows) I get a results page. Great.

Nowhere on that page does it tell me I already have a timer event for that show. One of the main reasons to do a search is probably to see what other related shows you are going to miss and the next logical step would be to setup a timer for them.

Shouldn't the results page have the same basic functions as the guide that tells me that show has a timer event? with that 1 or 2 icon on it?


PS: Yes, I know you can 'select' into it and see, but I would need to do that for every show it displays in the results page.

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