dvb world dvb-s2

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jim, its definately software. the results i get with successive scans change with the frequency i choose to start scanning from. add in the flaky s2 performance and lack of software updates and its not to hard to figure out. it really would be nice to hear from dvbworld again but they havent posted in a very long time.

crackt out,.
JimS that post you refer to on Ricks forum is dead on.

I did a little experiment scanning G18 from 12000 to 12200 and picked up 4 or 5 stations, it completely missed UWTV as usual. I then did a scan starting at 12030 to 12230 and succeeded in picking up an additional 4 channels including UWTV.

So it appears the program is indeed scanning in approx 60 MHZ steps and if a signal is far of the center frequency of the step it will be missed even if it is very strong as is the case of UWTV. Just what the optimum step size is I don't know although 30 MHZ appeared to work well, unfortunately as usual the is no provision in the program to change step size and it is difficult to import the data into the channel list, I had to create an additional satellite in the sat list to avoid wiping out the data for the from the first scan.
Even if somewhat cumbersome this procedure produces significantly more useful results, now if only DVBWorld would update the program.
I guess now all we need is a reliable way to get DVBWorld's attention... :(

I wonder how the previous version of the blind-scan software worked -- the one before they improved the speed. If I remember reading rightly, it scanned three times. Terribly slow, but I wonder if it went in smaller steps. (The other drawback is that it apparently didn't support playing S2 channels.)

If I had my way, it would be a crime to release hardware without full software support, unless you were going to make the full specs of the hardware available so third parties could utilize all of the features. I'm sure somebody would be jumping on the chance to write a program that used the blind scan feature, if the hardware indeed works as well as advertised.
Hi guys

Definitely, still no usb or pci dvb-s + dvb-s2 receiver with hardware blind scan? Also nothing about hardware blind scan on, for example qbox_3_1.jpg ?
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