1. What's this?
This is a dvbs2 demo driver running on iTele. What's iTele? It's a free dtv-software of mac os x. More about it, please google "iTele". You will find a man who is eating fruit and looking at you, how do you feel? And I feel that the gay is so cool and hackful.
2. How to load the driver?
Please load the the driver by the following steps:
a.open a unix terminal
b.type "sudo cp -R s2_2104.kext /tmp"
c.after enter your password, type "cd /tmp"
d.type "sudo kextload -t s2_2104.kext"
e.plug in the device.
3. How to scan and play program by iTele?
Because iTele only supports DVBS, not DVBS2.And you know, DVBS2 receive operationmode is multifarious, such as NBC-QPSK 3/4, NBC-8PSK 9/10. So I think out a lazy idea to input the parameter. the rule is the follwing. If you what to lock some transpond of DVBS2,and the parameter is like this: frequency:12530000000
polarity: Horizontal
receive operation mode:NBC-QPSK 3/4
but iTele only provide 3 parmeter(frequency, symbolrate,polarity). So you can add the receive operation mode into the frequency like this:
frequency:12530000134 (134 --> 1 means NBC-QPSK, 34 means 3/4)
polarity: Horizontal
here is another sample : 12530000290 ( 290 --> 2 means NBC-8PSK,90 means 9/10 ), please edit the locationTunerParams.plist by this rule,(see s2_parameter_show.png)
if 000, iTele will lock the transpond as DVBS.For more help, please refer to the help-picture. When locking ok, and scanning some programs, there is a problem. Some program video format is H264, and you must look for some decoder,For more infomation please refer to "