dvb s-2 signal

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 17, 2009
North Indiana
Okay silly question for anybody. I am using a OpenBox S-10 Model.
How do I know if I am receiveing a dvb s-2 signal?
I am locked on 87 West for C-band.
Just off the top of your head, about how many video channels should I be getting at this satellite?
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Stone1150, I am not getting the RTV channels yet. I must not be aimed just right. Should I get a signal from the satelltes but not any video on regular receiver? I keep checking forums but still looking to see if and when I do hit pay dirt, how many channels should I revceive? Right now I have ME1 & 2 This Tv really good. I assume I am close to the others?
Should I get a signal from the satelltes but not any video on regular receiver?
A non DVB-S2 receiver will not show any Signal / Quality for a DVB-S2 signal.

A 7.5 foot dish maybe a little small for C Band DVB-S2.

Run a Blind Scan with the S10, you should get Nasa and a bunch of other TPs - many are Encrypted though.
Stone1150, I am not getting the RTV channels yet. I must not be aimed just right. Should I get a signal from the satelltes but not any video on regular receiver? I keep checking forums but still looking to see if and when I do hit pay dirt, how many channels should I revceive? Right now I have ME1 & 2 This Tv really good. I assume I am close to the others?

I have 90 channels that are in the clear for that bird on my Manhattan. And as far as dish size goes, it really depends on how well it is tracking the arc. I ran a 7 1/2 footer and had no problems getting S-2 signals. Even with the cheap DMX741 LNBF I have. A larger dish will be more forgiving than a smaller one when it comes to tracking and aiming, but it can be done. Have a great day!
i had no problems with most s2 signals with my 6'. with my 7.5' i am getting nbc on 105w and had nbc on 103w k band before i tryed to get the dish better adjusted. i should have kept what i had... but it's fun to play with it. merry christmas to all. how about 52 degrees outside right now? that is unbelieveable the day before christmas. charlie
On the subject of S2, can somebody explain why my Openbox S9 can receive S2 with a very low average quality reading (it jumps around a lot) in some cases ( such as LPB on 87W Ku), yet the picture and sound are perfect with no breakup. It is almost as though the box is not accurately able to read the quality of the signal yet, for DVB-S signals, the quality reading is typically much higher. So the box is able to pull the program content more easily from a low level S2 signal than a low level S signal.
Okay, I now have my Powermax 10 mover here after sending the first one back. Everything is hooked up on the outside (which is COLD), but just can't get this controler to move the satellite. I can move it manual with box, but will not accept commands to go to the satellite I choose. I'll keep reading. Thought this was to be the easy part:confused:.
but will not accept commands to go to the satellite I choose
You need to manually drive the Dish, lock on a Sat / TP, Save the Position, ans then enter that Saved Position into the Receiver.
Receiver Moto Option will be set for DiSEqC 1.2, not USALS.
Once You have Found, Saved, and Entered the Positions in to the Receiver, it will then change positions automatically.
Thanks Lak7. Here is the lastest, The Powermax V Box-x is now junk! This was the second that I bought off Bay form the same good dealer that had high rating! The first I sent back because it did not look new. This one was going good for one hour and burned on the inside. That will be the last powermax I will buy. I will try the GBox. The wires were not hot, only the top middle area was hot. When I got it, things just did not look right but I was not going to spend another $7.00 dolllars to ship it back again. I even had three satilltes saved. Everything was going so good before really bad weather set in. When I get my other box I'll be back.
Thanks Lak7, your information was good and it worked. Just that I had a cheap box to work with:(. Lesson learned!

Besides the normal hook up for the red and black wire match up, the sensor wire uses green and brown, I checked inside the acutuator. When I get ready to hook up the sensor wires if I place then wrong can that damage the box? Just trying to avoid any problems with my new gbox when I get it. The other Vbox only lasted for an hour! Any ideas would be great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Switching the sensor wires will make it count the other way. Which in turn will confuse any stored sat positions. But will not electrically damage anything. Just as hooking up the motor wires backwards makes the motor run the other direction.
Switching the sensor wires will make it count the other way. Which in turn will confuse any stored sat positions. But will not electrically damage anything. Just as hooking up the motor wires backwards makes the motor run the other direction.
Thanks Magic Static, that helps my thought process!
The sensor wires are just looking for contact closures from the reed switch. Unless you have a "Hall Effect" sensor out there on your actuator, you will not damage anything if you reverse the wires.
Hello to all. I received my new SatHawk GBox 3000 today and it works great. The quality does not compare to the VBox X. This GBox works like a dream come true and very well built. I have (7) satellites saved so far. Easy to hook up. Taking my time saving the rest. I would recommend this over the VBox x any day. Yes it cost more, but it was worth it! Just my two cents :).
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