Duplicate threads.

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this other one is half bear half man............

What's with the SatGuys wives club??? :yikes

You guys gettin' in trouble for being on here so much??:no

Or do they just want to be :music"Close to You":music? :love :haha :heart
Actually, yaz, that is a very good idea. :eureka We wives should start a club on here just for us. :idea: But HiFi told me I should join, cuz it's so much fun.@partyPlus, I keep telling him if he would teach me the stuff he knows, I could get a job doing what he does and we would be rich. :D:D:) Now, I can just go where he goes and learn for myself.:p:p:)
What's with the SatGuys wives club??? :yikes

You guys gettin' in trouble for being on here so much??:no

Or do they just want to be :music"Close to You":music? :love :haha :heart

I can't speak for the other guys, but my wife came here looking for me. Remember?
Unforunately, she found me. One of Rey's clones ratted me out. Needless to say, that clone ain't coming around anymore.
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