This thread was once at the pinnacle.....
and now in the lowest of sewers......
When was that?
This thread was once at the pinnacle.....
and now in the lowest of sewers......
We might learn a little about global warning here and why they are miserable in Cleveland.
Popular names for farts or farting include: gassers, stinkers, air biscuits, bombers, barking spiders, rotten eggs, and wet ones. You can pass gas, break wind, blast, beef, poof, rip one, let one fly, step on a duck, and cut the cheese.
Farts can be stinky, wet, loud, or silent but deadly. Pee-eeew!!!
On the average, a healthy person farts 16 times a day.
Hey guys, don't be fooled by girls who tell you that they never fart. Everyone farts, including girls. In fact, females fart just as much as males.
Many animals fart too. Cats, dogs, and cows. Elephants fart the most.
People fart the most in their sleep.
Farts that contain a large amount of methane & hydrogen can be flammable.
[/QUOTE]:::devil:Got off track after leavin here, this'll get ya repointed!!
its incredible to me how its almost been a year since this : DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME BEGINS SUNDAY MARCH 14
That reminds me Rey, can you send me another of those? Mine aged out.
isn't he the half brother to Al Choholic?I just can't bring myself to leave without Mike Hunt.
Has anybody in here seen Mike Hunt?