Since TV2 in Dual Mode isn't capable of HDTV, does it make sense to buy a SDTV for optimal picture viewing?
In the past, when I've watched SDTV on a LCD/Plasma HDTV the image doesn't look so great.
What have others done?
Can you watch HDTV on both TV's provided you only watch one program at a time? That is to say, I'm watching HD on TV1 in the living room and decide to watch the rest from bed so I turn off TV1, head to the bedroom and watch the rest of the show in HD from TV2?
Is the SD on TV2 only when TV1 is actively watching something else?
TV2 output is always SD, even if it is down-converted from HD. But the tuner for TV2 that picks up the sat signal can record in HD if it is looking at an HD feed.