DTV vs COmcast Sports

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May 20, 2005
I just found out my local (Phila) sports which are broadcast on Comcast philly are not available on my DTV. Apparently Comcast is blocking them. Any ideas who to complain to? DTV just shrugs and says "we tried, but they won't let us". What's up?
zimjim said:
I just found out my local (Phila) sports which are broadcast on Comcast philly are not available on my DTV. Apparently Comcast is blocking them. Any ideas who to complain to? DTV just shrugs and says "we tried, but they won't let us". What's up?

Comcast can keep it from all other providers because they send it via their own built closed off fiber network. The simple answer is talk to Comcast because DirecTV can't do anything about it nor can Dish Network. My advice is don't bother asking Comcast to be nice because their sportsnet are what keeps customers with them and not going with a satellite provider. Their sportsnet is kinda the same as DirecTV having NFL Sunday Ticket but not quite the same just to make sure you know.
Thanks for the explanation, Longhorn. But I have to wonder why comcast is not doing the same thing in other markets. It's got to be hurting DTV's ability to market itself here in Phila area.
zimjim said:
Thanks for the explanation, Longhorn. But I have to wonder why comcast is not doing the same thing in other markets. It's got to be hurting DTV's ability to market itself here in Phila area.

Because in the other markets, Comcast Sports Net are really a name change from the original RSN, which had a deal with DirecTV and Dish. In the Washington market, CSN was really Home Team Sports.

In the Philly market, Comcast transmit it signal thru' its microwave network. It thus enjoy a legal loophole that it doesn't have to uplink this channel to DirecTV and Dish. The main purpose is to keep the customers who are interested in the Phillies, Flyers and 76ers to cable, sort of an exclusive rights.

That's why DBS has the smallest penetration in Philly. How many people who get DBS won't be interested in the local teams? practically none.
rangers00 said:
Because in the other markets, Comcast Sports Net are really a name change from the original RSN, which had a deal with DirecTV and Dish. In the Washington market, CSN was really Home Team Sports.

In the Philly market, Comcast transmit it signal thru' its microwave network. It thus enjoy a legal loophole that it doesn't have to uplink this channel to DirecTV and Dish. The main purpose is to keep the customers who are interested in the Phillies, Flyers and 76ers to cable, sort of an exclusive rights.

That's why DBS has the smallest penetration in Philly. How many people who get DBS won't be interested in the local teams? practically none.

The above is also true but also remember that only major markets can afford to have a channel sent via fiber because for one that requires the cable company broadcasting and transmitting the entire signal from start to finish and that is very pricey so you need to have tons of sports fans and customers in that area to make this worthwhile. Small markets with fewer customers won't have this occur. Now I don't like these systems but its up to the city residents to fight against this and the most likely quick fix would be for every sports fan in those markets to get together and cancel their service and say exactly why but that isn't going to happen anytime soon so I say your stuck with it. What suprises me is that even if say Comcast wanted it to themselves and broadcasted it themselves what would stop say DirecTV from doing the same but that is where it gets tricky. AFAIC the stadiums are owned by the city and as such the residents own it and as such because it is public grounds not private that the residents should have the right to way we want DirecTV to offer our games because if the public does indeed own the stadium any company should have the right onto the grounds as long as with city residents wants them on the grounds.

This above is just some food for thought.
Longhorn, since you have an inside track, do you know what the plans are for carrying HD feeds from Comcast Sportsnet RSN's??? CSN Chicago does a good number of HD games which D* doesn't carry even as a special event like they do for other RSN's.
Being a Philly guy stuck in the midwest (Columbus, Ohio) I have always wondered why the Phillies have so many less games on the MLB package than the other teams. Also of course no local Philly (Comcast) on the Sports Pack. Thank you for the info but I guess that just makes the frustration mount!
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