Not to be mean about this...but if having this feature was that important, &/or it having an upfront cost was a consideration, I have to ask if you did any research on this - BEFORE switching to D*???
It would have taken a simple 10 second google search to have gotten you this info...which is exactly what I did to provide you the link to it. D* actually has had this out for at least a couple+ years (the 1st version was a slightly different system called Nomad, which you also had to buy the add-on box yourself, but it still did the same thing) You obviously know how to get onto the internet, & you have been on this site with a wealth of info since I guess I'm kinda lost as to why you're complaining now.
Sorry, but this is EXACTLY like the people that buy new houses, who
absolutely require (fast & reliable) internet access, don't bother asking a single question before they sign the contract, THEN kvetch because they can't get what they didn't ask about before...I just don't understand it...