DSR922 - Procedure to return to service ??

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Prime*, yes, I need one of those, I've been thinking about one, just keep forgetting:o
Do you reccomend that one, from that dealer, or was that just for show?

PM me about the map loading, please...

If I could just load the maps, that's one thing, but buying that cable, that kind of puts it in the "only if I have to" category..LOL!!


I was showing you that one, but I have no affiliation with that seller. He's probably as good as the next one. I have the earlier model of those, with standard lights instead of led lights. It works well, and you can switch out lenses to get the magnification you need.

Also, I can't do the mapping, as I don't have the equipment. Perhaps someone else would do it for you. I have an old 4DTV receiver that has lost it's id, but I personally don't believe it's worth the bother to re-map it just for the ZKT stuff.
If the TDT was in the 1700's that's fine.
The only problems I see are your high Channels count (4993) and X4 going to 856.I know some had problems getting the box to take the HITS provider stream with channel counts over 4800.As for the 856 as stated the channels won't be correct and I think there are a few that will be missing.For buying programming,your choices are SRL (Programming Center) or Skyvision.When you call either to get set up,get a Websams account,with that you'll be able to buy ,renew and get rehits online,anytime,you won't have to call anyone.
Once you get the dish up and pointed at X4/W5/in reality AMC18@105west,you should get the music channels right away,you don't need to do anything special to get those.They will be 856 and down to 820 or 800,I can't remember.
If you're going to be using an LNBF,in your set up menus select C band lnbf and Rotated 90.
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tekjunkie02 said:
Trinidex, thanks. couple more questions if you don't mind..

How many sources are there now for programming? I'm seeing several names, but they all seem to be the same.

Mine had been subbed about 3-4 years ago, will it still get the freebies?

So, even though I don't have channels higher than 856 on X4, those higher channels I can still get but on different numbers/tiles... is that right? I won't be missing any, just have to know where to find them?

And, I can still use it as the dish mover, just have to know where I'm going, right?

I could live with that..:cool:

I'll keep an eye on the Map master project and if/when I think it's worth it, then I'll get it.

Let me know if I'm missing something, and thanks again.

Afaik there's only HITS sold through Programming Center further re-sold through Sky Vision.

If your maps are not updated for X4 being c-band (opposed to ku) some channels will be missing - its not recommended but works in a pinch.

I had a 922 subbed to HITS with the wrong channel numbers and then one day without warning new maps were downloaded and X4 worked correctly.

You might know/recall, back in the day HITS was Ku and was X4 on 4dtv, then they changed to cband and it became W5 on 4dtv, after the last changes over a year ago the maps made it X4 cband.

If you're more interested in dxing than subbing you're going to want your unit map master mapped, if subbing is what you're after, you won't.

The master reset was used to reset (duh!) the rcvr in preparation for new EMM provider ID (hits not Motorola) it was soon discovered that this wasn't necessary - programming center still have the no brick steps on their site.

Oh and yes, if it was subbed, you'll get FP (fixed process not free preview!) stuff.
Programming center updated my addy and ph nmbr and got me back on WebSams. They still have my unit ID and shows me as a previous subscriber.
So, I think, I guess I need to get the cable and then load my own maps. But that will be later.
For now, should I leave it as is, get it re-hit, do the W5 conversion, or what???

I think, I just leave it for now, use it to run the actuator, and check for "ITC" stuff every once in a while... Most of my time will be spent on the DVB receivers and getting this dish set-up and tracking. The 4DTV, will be like a little "bonus"..LOL!!

Please let me know if you have any other suggestions or comments for me.

And, thanks again!
Once you get it set up,try and change the service provider.If it works you can rehit it online and the clock will be set,get a cheap sub and maybe it will update the X4 maps on it's own.
This is how I changed the battery's in the 2 922's I did.
First remove the VCII cage,you'll need torx bits.You'll need to unplug 2 connectors from the main board once you get it loose.
Then check the battery with a digital volt meter,just to see where you stand.It will probably still be around 3 volts.
Carefully unplug the other connections to the main board,remove the screws,on the back of the receiver too,and the nuts on the F cons,and take the board out of the case.
Now what I did was install a temporary battery between a ground point and the second pin(I think,check with your voltmeter from bat - to the pin should match bat volt ) of the edge connection that's right near the bat.
Then removed the old battery,cleaned up the holes and installed the new bat.
Remove the temp bat and put it all back together.Except the VCII cage,serves no purpose anymore so why put it back,plus it runs cooler.
If you don't want to buy two bats,one for the temporary,check the bat in your old VCII,if it's good remove it,solder a couple of wires to it and use that for the temp bat.That will kill the VCII but who cares,it's trash anyway.
For a replacement bat I used this;
that's a 2/3 AA size but a 1/2 AA would work and fit better too.
If your 922 has a coin cell bat,you can replace it with the above.
Just be careful and don't let anything metal roll across the board or otherwise short something,you can lose the ID if you poke around in the wrong place,I know!
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tekjunkie02 said:
Programming center updated my addy and ph nmbr and got me back on WebSams. They still have my unit ID and shows me as a previous subscriber.
So, I think, I guess I need to get the cable and then load my own maps. But that will be later.
For now, should I leave it as is, get it re-hit, do the W5 conversion, or what???

I think, I just leave it for now, use it to run the actuator, and check for "ITC" stuff every once in a while... Most of my time will be spent on the DVB receivers and getting this dish set-up and tracking. The 4DTV, will be like a little "bonus"..LOL!!

Please let me know if you have any other suggestions or comments for me.

And, thanks again!

I recommend W5 conversion, 7 steps, keeping the existing maps.
To get going with a sub, you won't need the cable, follow the 7 steps and you'll be able to sub via WebSAMS - I have done this without issue.
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