DSR410 up and running

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Well I blew it up...

I didn't mean to, I went into the setup screen and accidently selected Commercial Use button instead of Home Use, and a few seconds later I lost lock on the satellite it went from Green to Red.

I tried setting it back to homeuse and could not get a lock.

I went outside and checked the Dish with my meter and I was locked on Solid. I then went to the receiver and checked it with my superbuddy (which is what I should have done before going outside) and was locked on as well.

I then searched the internet and I found a way to do a factory reset of the DSR-410 (File is attached) I did that and I had a green light on my satellite receiver again. (Yippie)

Doing a factory reset did not default back the software I am still at 114. However the problem now is that my rceiver is no longer authorized. I need a rehit. Unfortunately Satellite Receivers LTD is closed today for Thanksgiving. (I see on their website that you can sign up for web access to send rehits, I want to sign up for this service)

As far as PQ goes, I have only been looking at it on a 17 inch LCD TV. What I have watched has looked good, but I would really need to hook it up to a bigger TV to judge PQ.

BTW you should check out the PDF file I attached it explains a lot of the system diagnostic screens. Its a good read.


"Well I blew it up..." - oh no! - I guess we know not to choose that option in future - thanks for taking one for the team!

Handy PDF - thanks for that!

I'm watching mine on a 20" CRT TV - Showtime mostly, the PQ is good for me, not as good as C-Analog, but I never expect digi to be!

I like the guide and program info which this system affords us, I know there are many many guide resources but I do like being able to hit a button and see whats-on-when, with description.

Scott - Did your 114 update change the DMX channel display? I have the "ugly raw" data screens as you posted earlier.
However the problem now is that my rceiver is no longer authorized. I need a rehit. Unfortunately Satellite Receivers LTD is closed today for Thanksgiving. (I see on their website that you can sign up for web access to send rehits, I want to sign up for this service)

As far as PQ goes, I have only been looking at it on a 17 inch LCD TV. What I have watched has looked good, but I would really need to hook it up to a bigger TV to judge PQ.

I signed up for webSAMS from SRL with my 4DTV quite a while ago. It's really nice for rehits. :)

As far a PQ goes, Im sure it's the same as the 4D. While it isn't as good as first generation masters on c band. HITS does a very good job on most of there channel's.
Ok back up and running. All is good again (still no guide though) :(

Just needed a rehit. :)

I signed up for the web based webSAMS service from the program center, so this will not be an issue again. :)
Ok back up and running. All is good again (still no guide though) :(

Just needed a rehit. :)

I signed up for the web based webSAMS service from the program center, so this will not be an issue again. :)

For me, the guide had no detail program info until the software level went to 0114.

I have noticed that these 410s have a very low trip count as compared to 4DTV. SRL seems to sometimes only hit the boxes once a day lately. I think my trip counter only went up by 5 in the last week. Hopefully, the webSams service will be a good thing. I think I'll sign up too.
I am on software 0114.

Here are my screen shots. Note no guide. Also notice Diagnostic Screen F, lines N and R, I am not scheduled for any guide data.

In addition I gave a screen shot of what DMX looks like. :)


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Scott, I don't think I've ever seen a Target Version on my 920 or 922? If I did it must have been so long ago I can't remember, like when Motorola actually did give updates? Before they got...... well never mind.

Can you do a forced programming download with the 410? The way it works with a 920 or 922, you go to the Diagnostic F screen and push "Info Button" on remote. It will go the the "Guide Screen" and say "Searching For Information". Go back to the Diagnostic F screen and watch it loading/changing, if it's working. If not, it will look like the 2 Diagnostic F screens in your pictures.


Edit: if it works, when the memory gets below 50, it should be done? And it shouldn't take but 10 minutes or so? The memory number would be the "885" number in your pictures. The top number is the one that will change to around 50 when finished.
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I notice Scott's background in his screen shots are gray, mine are blue. I'm in NY and we have the same guide region and cable ID. Which I expect as he is in Conn. a neighboring state. I notice his unit ID # is 9 digits shorter than mine. My picture appears sharper in my opinion as compared to the screen shots I posted.

Perhaps others will chime in about the guide. It seems to go forward a few days.

Does anyone report having the S-Video model as shown in some of the literature? I'm curious on that.

I wonder how many of these boxes have been sold and authorized yet?
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I received my dad's 410 yesterday. At first glance it looks like an old friend the 905. Out of the box it looks like new. No sign of it ever being used, with a new remote and AV RCA cables and manual. The setup instructions were for setting up a dish actuator, I think an error.

At first I thought I had a bad unit as the remote didn't work. I later found this box requires a hit from a provider before it does much of anything.

Out of the box it was on channel 255, and from what I read elsewhere it needed to be on channel 205. Only channels 200-210 did anything. I let it sit for a while and it didn't do much. Very low signal on all but 205. Once I saw the provider ID 4160. I called SRL and it tripped right away.

It then began to map the channels. The "please wait while we process your request" went to a gray screen. Within 2 minutes it had video.

WOW, I must of been hiding under a rock that I didn't hear this news until today. I have several 410 receivers that I have tried to get authorized for years.

Is SRL (http://www.programming-center.net/services.htm)? Also, can you buy channels ala carte? Since Skyvision requires that you buy a 410 from them this is actually a much better deal.
WOW, I must of been hiding under a rock that I didn't hear this news until today. I have several 410 receivers that I have tried to get authorized for years.

Is SRL (http://www.programming-center.net/services.htm)? Also, can you buy channels ala carte? Since Skyvision requires that you buy a 410 from them this is actually a much better deal.

SRL is Programming Center. From what I understand to get a 410 authorizied you must buy it from Skyvision. Mike Kohl explained the reason why, has something to do with past authorizations on the 410's. Still all in all If I wanted a ku only system and didn't have a 4DTV, you can't beat Skyvisions price on the 410 ready to work. The DSR 922 can do alot more but hey then it ain't $129 either. Still the 4dtv's are cheap as far as prices I paid in the past for receivers. My old Chaparral Monterey 50 set me back over $1400 and my first receiver a Uniden UST 9900 cost me just below $1000 back in the day. So even $399 for a 4DTV (that I paid) is dirt cheap to me.
Dsr410 Help

can some one please help...i have a dsr 410 rec and i am trying to get it going on x4 but no matter what i do the red icon light dont go off and i get q stuck on 25 ,i tried activating it after putting in provider id and message said found signal.....please can some one help me or direct me to how and where to get help
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uniden ust 7700

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