drv 522


New Member
Original poster
Nov 14, 2006
Hello all,

I am new here and new to messing with satellite stuff. I have Dish Network for 8 + years. I just bought drv 522, so that for christmas we can get my daughter pocketdish. So.. I have a dish 500 and have 2 recievers in the house both are JVC one is up and down stairs at our house. I am keeping the one up stairs for now as JVC and Replacing the down Stairs one with drv 522 I have a sepreator for the drv 522 so I can use the one satellite line and have it go to both satellite inputs on drv 522.

Problem I am having is that when I try PIP or Record any more tasking then just watching a single channel . I get an error 002 lost of signal channel 110 satellite 119 transponer 6. The error number stays the same but different satellite and channel and tramsponer. Now if I press menu and 6, 1, 1 and change the tuner input from 2 to 1 and then press done and then exit all the way out I get the channel back. then if I swap or PIP I may get 015 and will acquire the satellite again and then I may get the error 002 and then go through the menu 6,1,1 and then just watching channel I am golden, but any thing else I am back in this loop..

Do I need new LNBs or what? I hoping that I can get this to work before christmas for pocketDish.. for my daughter..


You can run a second wire from the Dish 500 to the 522 instead of getting the DPP twin. Then you take the separator out.
boba: Thanks and opps.. sorry about the bad title name.. thanks again. thanks for all your help. I will go out and get a Dish Pro Plus TWIN.

Stargazer: One line is going to the JVC that is upstairs and I do not want to mess with that one.

boba: Thanks and opps.. sorry about the bad title name.. thanks again. thanks for all your help. I will go out and get a Dish Pro Plus TWIN.

Stargazer: One line is going to the JVC that is upstairs and I do not want to mess with that one.

I've picked up new DPP Twins on Ebay for $25 with shipping do some careful shopping.:)
OK, I assumed the 522 was replacing the JVC since it has two tuners. If you can get a DPP twin for $25 then grab it, as long as the S&H is not too high.

Installing DPP44

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