Congratulations, uh, I guess...?
Just for starters, Hub (in HD) CBSN (In HD) National Geographic Wild (At all) Epix 1, 2, 3, Drive in (At all) IndiePlex (In HD) Pixl (At all) MGM ( At all) USN (At all) OWN (HD) Superstations, FUEL (At all) EuroNews (At all) TVJapan free news in English, Cooking Channel (At all) DIY (In HD) Retroplex (HD) Veria (At all) RFD TV (At all) Rural TV (At all) RT (At all)
And MANY premium movie channels are in SD, where Dish has them in HD. As an example, only two HBO channels are in HD. Showtime one channel in HD.
I could go on.....
That doesn't address their sub par equipment, no OTA.....