DPH34 switch


DVR Addict~Mad Scientist
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Mar 16, 2004
Satsuma, AL
I just discovered this little item on Solid Signal's website. Doesn't seem to be much info out there anywhere else yet.

It's supposed to be a replacement for the DPH42. Hybrid switch, 3 inputs, 4 outputs, and 3 cascade ports to add more of them. I guess for apartments, condos and businesses that need a lot of independent Hoppers and Wallys.
I have 8 receiver that i'm trying to have Hd to all of them... I ordered sw44 and 2 way splitter but saw that sometimes it's problematic since they don't pass voltage in both way... so I ordered sw34 so that won't be a problem, but the guy sent me DPH34 instead. the SW44 comes with its own power supply and the DPH34 has its own power supply too. So is it possible to connect that or should I find two SW34?
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DPH34 switch is new tot the market and there is not much info on them.
The DPH34 switch is a replacement for the DPH42 switch. It's purpose is to introduce Hybrid technology to Hoppers using legacy satellite dishes and LNBs. I don't believe an SW34 switch exists or ever existed. That is why you were shipped the DPH34. I don't think the DPH34 is going to give you what you want. I'm sure one of our techs will pipe in to give you some guidance.
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I ordered 2 SW34 and received 2 of DPH34 instead. I don't know how to wire them with my 2 SW44. You guys have any idea or schematics I can follow?
There is no SW34.

There is a DP34 which is three DishPro LNBFs to four DishPro compatible receivers.
This is different than the DPH34 which is the same as the DPH42 but for only three inputs and four outputs and cascadable.

To say what's compatible, we really need to know what type of receivers do you have and what LNBFs are on the dish?

SWxx is legacy technology (SW21, SW44, SW64). Can't coexist with DPxx or DPPxx switches.
DP21, DP34 are DishPro which bandstack left and right polarity on a single feed.
DPP44 is DishProPlus which introduces ability to use a combiner to feed two inputs on a dual tuner DPPro receiver with one cable.
DPH34, DPH42 are Hybrid which requires DP or DPP equipment on the dish side and supports Wally or Hopper 3 (and I think ViP) on the inside.
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I don't know what LNBF are on the dish... I know that it's belle express vue in Canada. And that I already have a SW44 that is plug in and work great... but I want to add more receiver. I saw somewhere to put 4 splitter and two SW44... but for more stability it's better to have 2 SW34 and 2 SW44... I have to disagree with pepper because I made a search on the internet and I saw some SW34... But If I understand correctly, DPXX and Swxx does not mix. So I need to find 2 SW34....
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