DP34 switch and signal strength?

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I've been working with the good folks at dishstore.net about a solution to my dilemma- I am going to subscribe to the DHP plan with an 811/322/301 configuration, requiring four inputs. I want to pick up the CBS-HD on the 61.5 sat, and that would require a second dish. My setup would look like this- a DishPro Twin LNB aimed at 110/119 for HD, locals and Top 100 programming, going into a DP34 switch. A second dish can be added with a single LNB aimed at 61.5 for CBS-HD.

My question is- will I experience any signal loss with the DP34 switch if I go that route vs. forgoing CBS-HD and just using a DishPro Quad LNB on a single dish aimed at 110/119?

Thanks in advance for any response.
Nope...no loss (that Im aware of)

I have a Dish500 Twin and added a 61.5 this weekend. My signal strength on 110 & 119 is the same as it was before I added the other dish & SW21
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Does 811 require Dishpro LNB?

Dish Network wiring information needed

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