If you're adding 61.5, you will run 3 lines from the Dish1000 (1 each from the 119, 110, 129 outputs) to the DPP44 and another line from the extra dish.jawja said:OK, a DPP44, missed a P there. But, if port 1 and 2 are for 119 and 110, port 3 is for 61,5 and port 4 is for 129, I have one coax coming from the dish 1000 for 110, 119 and 129, how's that work ?? Thanks, Jawja.............
61.5 goes in port 3 and 129 goes in port 4, this favors 61.5 for your HD Voom channels.BobaBird said:If you're adding 61.5, you will run 3 lines from the Dish1000 (1 each from the 119, 110, 129 outputs) to the DPP44 and another line from the extra dish.
jawja said:So. I have to run three seperate coax from one dish, 1- 110, 1- 119 and 1- 129and then another coax from 2nd dish for 61.5??? Is this correct and if it is, is any one interested in a new DPP44?