DP+44 nightmare only cing 1 sat


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Jan 11, 2004
Just received my dp+44 and power invertor.I had my dp 34 located in the basement so i just removed the dp34 and replaced it with the dp+44 well on my 811 and my 301 it will only show one sat connected. Port 1 is the only sat that either receiver will c.I have the power invertor installed in the basement going to port 1 as the directions saw..The power invertor is about a foot away from the dp+44 switch..I can connect any sat feed to port 1 and it will c that sat 119,110 and 61.5..When doing the check switch it only shows doing test 1 of 1..Any ideas here?
Yes something is strange there.

Try unplugging the power inverter for about 10 minutes and plugging it in again. That will make the DPP44 re init itself.
Hmm odd, have you tried hooking back up your 34 switch and seeing it if worked still, Maybe while moving things your bent the stingers in the cables or something....

(Yes I am grasping at straws)

I would give advace support a call and I would also make them send you a new unit if bad, tell them the dealer you got yours from is out of stock. :)
on the left side of the switch with the longer threads i have the following hooked up
port 1 119
port 2 110
port 3 61.5
port 4 105

For the outputs i have
port 1 power invertor then my 811
port 2 my 301
port 3 a borrowed 501
port 4 nothing
These r the ports on the bottom of the switch i have nothing connected to the ports on the right side
Well after 24 minutes on the phone there sending me a new one..They agreed that the switch is bad and since there so rare she had to make a few phone calls to c about getting me another one......So in 3 to 5 days we get to try this again...oh joy...lol
I had some problems converting from legacy SW64 to the DPP44. I had to disconnect the satellite feed from the back of my 801 and 301, then do a switch test to get it where there was no switch found, then hook them up and do another switch test.
I had a similar problem last night when I installed mine. I had two issues. On my 921 it was only showing 61.5 and none of the other satellites. I had used a piece of RG59/u to go from the power inserter to the receiver. Replaced that and then I started getting 119 & 61.5. The other problem was that from my 110 LNB to the switch the coax had a short copper lead inside the connector that plugged into the switch. Seems like it wasn't long enough to make contact in the new DPP44. It worked fine on the DP34. Replaced that cable and all satellites could be seen. This switch is definately more finicy then the DP344. The separators work great! My wife was so happy to see one cable downstairs and one upstairs disappear (she hates cables) so well worth the money.

Dish says to use only RG6 with the DPP44 switch, I wonder if lime4x4 used some RG59 in there somewhere.

This would actually cause his problem as RG59 might not be able to handle the frequency range of the DPP44.
yep, he might be. I am using some in-the-wall RG59/u from the switch to the power invertor, and it does work, but for some reason adding that 1 1/2 foot coming from the power inverter to the receiver screwed it up. All my other runs are RG6 and work fine.
lime4x4 said:
Using only rg6 cable
Are you sure the jumper from DPP44 to power inserter is RG6? I seem to recall hearing that someone got an RG59 jumper with a test model.

Also, is all your RG6 rated for 2150 MHz or higher? DishPro Plus uses the same frequency range (950-2150 MHz) as ordinary DishPro (DP34), but not all RG6 is rated for 2150 MHz.

This 811 is the biggest pile of crap ever!

What is the difference in the 301 and the 311?

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