Don't Order from Edible Arangements.

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Scott Greczkowski

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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Today I ordered my wife $75 worth of Strawberries from Edible Arrangements for mothers day.

This is what she received.

IMG_1863.JPG IMG_1864.JPG IMG_1865.JPG IMG_1866.JPG IMG_1867.JPG

Brown leaves and stems, and dry not juicy at all.

My wife called customer service and was transfered to the store the order was processed from. The person who answered was the owner and he was rude with my wife and told her she was just trying to get free stuff and ended the call.

Unacceptable. If you are thinking from ordering from Edible Arrangements for mothers day SHOP ELSEWHERE!
I quit using this place about four years ago after using them for about three years. They always got the order screwed up or delivered too late. Never got bad fruit but one time wife got a jar of sugar free chocolate syrup that was out of date. It is a good idea if you find a good shop.
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