Don't Believe NPS about C band support ending.

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I picked up a dish and a 922 back in january with the intention of setting up and using 4dtv. After all the nps hype, i decided to just stick with dtv for now and see what happens.

I'll be honest, you can call it hdlite all you want. That hdlite is better than sd. And yeah, it costs a fortune every month to view it. AND i dont have to worry about channels being "taken" from the lineup. I just dont see any advantage over dtv right now. Other than cost and politics associated with dtv.

I am NOT a troll. I would LOVE to exerience and watch cband. I spent a fortune for my 922. For now, it doesnt look like i am even gonna use it.

If there was a new receiver that was developed for cband that could get mpeg4, i would turn my dtv OFF and switch to cband. I would certainly LOVE to stick that dish in the ground, spend a week on alignment, run 250ft wiring........Of corse, i have never fooled with cband befor. So it would definetely be a learing curve for me. However, setting that dish up to track satellites.......MAN, I THINK THAT IS THE MOST EXCITING THING ABOUT CBAND!:)

Surely some company has an interest in developing a new rx for cband...surely.
My appologies but i have to ask this question... All in all is it worth it to buy a DSR Motorola receiver to sub right now or soon we will have to shelve our receivers?
Ok then. On the issue of who can uplink, I find it very strange that nobody else uplinks news channels, A&E, TNT, and others that were done by NPS. SRL even states in bold letters that they do not uplink any G-3 channels. That tells me that someone is in control someplace as having news channels in a lineup rounds it out real nice. Even Skyvision don't resell the news channels so what gives if there are no exclusive rights? Skyvision seems to do it all. All but those. It seems to me that there is a current court case that Comcast is involved in about not allowing certian channels to be seen on anything else other than cable. If that isn't "exclusive" rights, then I am completly missing the boat.

On the honesty issue, That is exactly what I complained about. That's why I am at a loss as to what can be mediated. How can one mediate honesty? We will see what happens. I will watch this thread to see what people think. However, the deceptive angle is what I am going to push for. Have a great day! :)

Yes. Deception and a fair refund. NPS dropped ABC, CBS, NBC, and TNT. I'm trying to find a provider where I can buy those channels - and I already have an annual subscription for them that I paid to NPS. And, to get those channels again, I'll probably have to subscribe to whatever minimum number of services the new provider will require.

Does anyone know where to find those 4 channels?

Thanks for the action you've taken. You're my hero!
I picked up a dish and a 922 back in january with the intention of setting up and using 4dtv. After all the nps hype, i decided to just stick with dtv for now and see what happens.

I'll be honest, you can call it hdlite all you want. That hdlite is better than sd. And yeah, it costs a fortune every month to view it. AND i dont have to worry about channels being "taken" from the lineup. I just dont see any advantage over dtv right now. Other than cost and politics associated with dtv.

I am NOT a troll. I would LOVE to exerience and watch cband. I spent a fortune for my 922. For now, it doesnt look like i am even gonna use it.

If there was a new receiver that was developed for cband that could get mpeg4, i would turn my dtv OFF and switch to cband. I would certainly LOVE to stick that dish in the ground, spend a week on alignment, run 250ft wiring........Of corse, i have never fooled with cband befor. So it would definetely be a learing curve for me. However, setting that dish up to track satellites.......MAN, I THINK THAT IS THE MOST EXCITING THING ABOUT CBAND!:)

Surely some company has an interest in developing a new rx for cband...surely.

My question would be, since you have already paid for it, and you have it why not use it?

You can always keep dtv if you want, you can stop your sub to it, and if need be resub to it, there is more to C band, and tracking those sats then 4Dtv, no one knows just how long 4Dtv will be around, it could be here for years to come, or over tomorrow who knows, but C band will be there for a long long time, for a modest investment you could pick up a DVB box and take advantadge of those channels.

As for dtv HD, have you watched true SD, on a big dish, today I was watching one of the nets on W-3, about the weakest sat up there, I was thinking how good they looked, especialy compaired to my parents SD dtv.
As for dtv HD, have you watched true SD, on a big dish, today I was watching one of the nets on W-3, about the weakest sat up there, I was thinking how good they looked, especialy compaired to my parents SD dtv.

DC-2 when done right blows the doors in on what Dishnet or Direct does. You can't compress 14 channels in one transponder and add music services too as pizza does. It just don't work. I think if some of the pizza viewers saw some of the true masters up on c band they would toss pizza in a heartbeat. But then they probably never will.

Heres a bit of eye candy for them to see:

The C Band HD Master Page
OMG!!! Look at that FoxNewsHD shot - not one artifact around the ticker!!!!

I can see the hairs on her arms...I feel dirty :D

Pizza people will never see a distro HD master as long as they play with pizza.

Hey Charlie have you seen real HD lately :eek: :D
No, i havent seen sd masters on cband.

And as far as a dvb box goes......I dont know anything about those boxes or FTA satellites or channels. I dont even know where to start with that.

I dont have a problem setting that dish up and playing with it. I just dont know if its worth it. Lnb's, feedhorns, dish movers & wiring. Thats expensive stuff. I look for dishes all the time. I think they look cool sitting in the back yard

I asked for access in the FTA/MPEG2 Whats up there? private forum. But i cant see any of the threads.

I might would have more interest in FTA if i could get more information.

I mean, i am interested in cband.

Oh, and thanks to TVROPRO. This person is/was a tremendous HELP! TVROPRO is a walking encyclopedia of cband data.:bow
I don't think they'll give you access to WUT without you owning a receiver.

To be honest, I get more excited looking for wild feeds and new itc channels than I do just watching 4dtv channels I sub to. It is nice to have the 4dtv sub channels, because for the most part you can plan on what you want to watch, not like wild feed of a baseball game or a cable channel we don't normally get going in the clear.

4dtv masters do look very good on my 50" plasma, but to me they pale in comparison to the network distro dvb hd feeds. There are no artifacts that are obvious to me dvb-s2 vs 4dtv sd. Now 4dtv HD looks great too, but there are so very few channels on it.

If I were you, I would put the dish up and start playing with it in my spare time. There are a handful of free itc analog feeds that your 4dtv will tune and help you get dish aligned. Then later pick up a dvb box and you'll probably be amazed at all the free channels available.

Now if someone will design and manufacture us a dvb box that we could sub to the missing cable channels now (in hd), that would be the cat's meow!
Which fta receiver is the one to have?

My question is this.......

How many "free" channels are worth watching? I mean, if these channels are good, then why transmit them without encryption?

Thats just my way of thinking.

And i may go ahead in put that dish in the ground. Atleast it would look cool sitting there pointed at the sky.:D

Oh, i forgot. Lonewolf, that picture of your dish......Dude! thats a cool pic!
IT kind of depends on what you want/like to watch, there are a lot of channels up there, you can find a lot/most of them on lyngsat. Just remember TV is TV, most of the pay channels on DishTV in my opinion are junk channels, so it just depends on what you want.
IT kind of depends on what you want/like to watch, there are a lot of channels up there, you can find a lot/most of them on lyngsat. Just remember TV is TV, most of the pay channels on DishTV in my opinion are junk channels, so it just depends on what you want.

You raise a valid point.

The thing for me, I hide behind the wife, she gets used to seeing certain shows at a certain time, on a certain channel - this discounts scanning the skies! :D
Well it kind of does, but once you have channels scanned in the programming is pretty consistant, true some come and some go, but I think you'd be surprized.
Tonight my wife and I watched programming on the DVB box for a few hours.
NPS says, Have you seen Dish network lately :eek: we need to change there new slogan to Have you seen DVB lately :) Put that in your pipe and smoke it NPS.

I have an array of channels programmed in on DVB that are always there and they show programs at regular schedules. DVB is not only scanning the sky's.

It pretty much depends what you both like to watch. All the alphabet networks are available for free, as well as some of the cable type channels. Some are not. My wife likes being able to watch her soaps in the afternoon when she gets home thanks to the west coast feeds. Some channels like Cartoon Network or Lifetime are not usually available. Some channels like foxnews or the weather channel are there off and on. Premium movie channels like HBO are rarely itc. We have a wii and tied our netflix account to it and get streaming movies, so we dont even need the movie channels anymore.

It is all a matter of preference, but you better try to keep the wife happy whatever you decide.
NPS says, Have you seen Dish network lately :eek: we need to change there new slogan to Have you seen DVB lately :) Put that in your pipe and smoke it NPS.

We need a similiar slogan that should read:

Have you seen NPS lately :D

I think that NPS is smoking the same stuff as Charlie! They both seem to be blowing the same smoke! :eek:
On firmware:

Getting it to accept a different EMM is not the hard part. What needs to be done is the code to work with C-band, with its paradigm of being multi satellite on a motorised dish. That is the hard part and costs money, which will need to be dividied amongst a few thousand users.

Shaw is having a hard enough time with firmware as it is now. Their long promised major firmware for the 5xx receivers hasn't been publically released yet.
I had filed a complaint with the Pennsylvania Attorney General's office a few weeks ago about NPS. His office contacted NPS and here is their written reply, just received today. If they're lying they just put it in writing and signed it. I blanked out my personal info.


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