does your wife support your dish hobby?

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My wife was originally really oppossed to it, but she was blowing money left and right on online businesses... See my sig for her latest one... she's sticking with that and avon for now. She went through Nikken, Fruta Vida, and a whole lot of others before finally picking avon and jerky... Anyways, since she was blowing money on hobbies, I did too, and got fta dish, and blew a few grand on various software packages... lightwave 3d, and some other 3d scanning stuff, and a few other things.. Anyways, best way to talk them in to it is make sure that they have a hobby that blows money too... yes, it will up your credit card, but makes life a littel more tolerable. She loves it now since we don't have a local fox channel. She's always watching Fox.
My wife supports it. Happy I have a hobby that I'm passionate about. Although she did ask if I could paint my BUD's green to blend into the vegitation a little.
Yeah mine hated it with a passion when i hooked it up, now she just hates it a little. I think she secretly misses it (right now the lnb is out, i think, and a new one is on the way) and we are talking about analog only (her favorite soap is on a day earlier than public viewing and commercial free) and she loves the crystal clear abc feeds, as opposed to our fancy "rabbit ears" that the kids wrecked. But she'll still let me get a 4dtv reciever and FTA reciever nontheless. I'm still tuning though, and now im hoping it was the lnb keeping me from getting all sats and channels perfect. When I get it perfect, then i'll move up to 4dtv.
I started out with a 18in dish for wifi and then got a 31in fortec with motor,After a few months a 6 foot fortec with motor and last but not over maybe LOL a 10 foot univison dish with motor.I love playing with all of them and my wife finally realized after 7 concrete spots in the yard some didn't work at to move the dishes ar.LOL She is tolerateting the site.God love for it.
well we started out with 2 dish networks, one is aimed at echostar at 148 deg for local channels,and the other at 121 deg. then i added my 36 inch ariza fta dish with motor that went passed the limits and bent the bracket and hurt the motor,hey it was my first motorized dish. then i added an 8 ft unimesh dish. she was like hey are you finished? well i had taken the fta dish out since i broken the motor,well i found a 40 inch primestar and put it up. we now have tons of channels and in the living room we have three different cables ran to the fta receiver and then my c band ran to the bedroom. all i need now is a 4dtv and i will have it all. i would love to put a paraclipse up with a c and ku band feedhorn and run it to the living room,but i suppose it wont be worth a fight with my wife for what 20 more channels than i have now. last check we had a total of around 1400 channels, i still have alot of ku sats to find with the primestar.i have only found 7 or 8 ku sats so far as it isnt motorized.
*grin im glad everyone still loves C-band i know i love it and one time iw as seriously thinking of trashing it . but i changed my mind im glad i did :)
well we started out with 2 dish networks, one is aimed at echostar at 148 deg for local channels,and the other at 121 deg. then i added my 36 inch ariza fta dish with motor that went passed the limits and bent the bracket and hurt the motor,hey it was my first motorized dish. then i added an 8 ft unimesh dish. she was like hey are you finished? well i had taken the fta dish out since i broken the motor,well i found a 40 inch primestar and put it up. we now have tons of channels and in the living room we have three different cables ran to the fta receiver and then my c band ran to the bedroom. all i need now is a 4dtv and i will have it all. i would love to put a paraclipse up with a c and ku band feedhorn and run it to the living room,but i suppose it wont be worth a fight with my wife for what 20 more channels than i have now. last check we had a total of around 1400 channels, i still have alot of ku sats to find with the primestar.i have only found 7 or 8 ku sats so far as it isnt motorized.
you no longer need the 148 dish for locals

My wife supports my FTA hobby because it enables her to watch DW-TV and her beloved Soccer scores, especially since the new season starts soon.
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B-Mac receiver What can it do???


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