Does your 522 search the locals?

Thornton Melon

Original poster
Nov 16, 2006

I had another thread complaining about all the problems that the new 4.12 software has caused where I asked if other people were also having problems with the search, but no one responded. Maybe it was too many complaints at one time for people's tastes.

Can someone with a 522 (and the latest software) please see if the search function works properly on their receiver? Thanks. As I said in the other thread, here is an example of what I'm talking about:

"The Ellen DeGeneres Show airs M-F on my NBC local, as well as M-F, nationally, on Oxygen (channel 127). When I search for the program, the search results only show the listings from Oxygen. How am I the only one here to notice/complain about this? Can someone please do a few searches from their locals and confirm this bug? Thanks."

Thank you, again.
Yes I did a search for Home Improvement and One Life to Live. It showed search results on local and national channels.
boba, thank you for getting that reference :)

Kaydigi, thank you very much for checking. And you're sure you have the latest software version?

Also, can any other members please try a few searches as well? It's just too bizarre of a thing (that happened only after the software update) to be a coincidence or a fluke on my receiver. Perhaps people in the Chicago area whose locals are on the 110 satellite? Thanks for any help you guys can give.
Thank you, SteveC. I guess this is an anomaly on my receiver then. I don't want to send it back because I have a lot of stuff in the recorder that I haven't watched yet, so I guess I'll just wait for the next software version and hope that does something to fix the problem. Thanks again.
Thank you, SteveC. I guess this is an anomaly on my receiver then. I don't want to send it back because I have a lot of stuff in the recorder that I haven't watched yet, so I guess I'll just wait for the next software version and hope that does something to fix the problem. Thanks again.

They need to make 4.13 quickly.

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