Does Voom have hacks like Direct Tv did??

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
May 20, 2004
I am not a hacker at all, never did ( Atleast not with sat. :) )

I know many of my friends have had the chip/card and junk with Direct TV

So just curious if Voom was smart enough to not let this happen, as it seems Direct Tv has smartened up with having the cards built in now.

I know what you are asking and I understand your point but there's a fine line in this discussion that should not be crossed. We won't allow any discussion about satellite hacking (E*, D* or V*). Not saying that was your intension but I will not allow any posting that links to any site or discussion of such things.

Hoping that you do not get offended by this.
I think hacking is over. Technology now exists to fry illegal cards, and no one has beat the technology. The signal comes through the satellite, not the phone. I only know 2 people with hacked systems, and both of them have had to go legtitimate because of this. I don't think this thread is out of line if the point is that hacking is a waste of money and shouldn't be tried.
I agree Cyuhnke..

I just wanted to know if people were doing it.. Or if it was even possible.. Its out of total curiousity as I already have all the stations..
to tell you the truth, i don't think the cards are even in use on the VOOM boxes. I had originally ordered Playboy on my 2nd tv and wanted to switch which tv it was on, so i thought I could just swap the cards around (like older directTV/dish setups). The cards did not change the programming at all, I had to actually move the boxes. Of course, the box would not tune without the card, but i don't think your liscences are stored on the card with voom.. notsure if anything even is. Wilt?
...and no one has beat the technology

No one that you know, anyway.

ANY access card be hacked...It's just a matter of will and greed on the part of the hacker. D* has done a so-so job of keeping one step up on the hackers, and since the "gray" Canadien laws have now sided with D*, the serious hackers have simply gone underground much more so than in the past.

As far as Voom is concerned, at this point they are perfectly safe. Since the number of subs is so incredibly low, the hackers have no incentive to put any work into hacking Voom's card, as they rely on selling these cards in order to profit from their hacking (or more properly, stealing).

Effective hacking is like commiting the perfect murder - If someone knows about it, then it wasn't perfect, was it? The best hackers are the ones that you don't know about.
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