Does Tivo work with Your Voom? Yes!

Thanks for the info!

StevenD said:
Wilt responded to my message this morning:

"We're working with Tivo to get the codes and receiver type in. It will happen in the next month or so, depending on their workload. I'm trying to streamline that. Replay, I've been unable to find anyone to speak with. Wilt"

I am glad to hear that Wilt is making progress with TIVO. Now I will not sell it along with my 2 Dish 6000's until I get the Voom PVR!

Please let us know if you hear anything more from Wilt.

For those using Repaly... you might want to check out the thread in AVS about using WiRNS and ZAP2IT for Voom guide data.

madpoet said:
Essentially, WiRNS is a program that allows you to replace your normal guide data with data retrieved from Zap2It. Not a perfect solution, but still very nice.

Okay - spent Saturday afternoon getting WiRNS working and adding Voom support to my Replaytv. It's up and working - but there are still a few problems.

First, and most minor, the local channels are missing from the zap2it lineup for Voom - although they show up if you get the online Voom lineupt from (not from - I've pinged zap2it, we'll see if they actually respond.

The second problem might be a deal breaker. I want to have both HD and SD outputs active on the Voom STB so that I can watch HD live sometime, and watch time-shifted, improved quality, SD recorded off HD channels. The STB does not seem to be able to keep up with the decoding of 1080i/720p into 480i - there's a lot of video frames being skipped - no audio stuttering, though. If I leave the STB set to native output the SD channels are fine, but the HD channels skip frames on the SD output. If I set the STB to 1080i, all the channels exhibit the skipping. I guess the STB is just too slow??

Any suggestions - or comments - does anyone get acceptable output from the 480i ouput if the box is set to something other than 480i?

Wow, thanks for being a trailblazer Tracey! Did you configure it to change channels? If so, what box did you use?
madpoet said:
Wow, thanks for being a trailblazer Tracey! Did you configure it to change channels? If so, what box did you use?

General Instruments - I picked the specific code 0869 - works like a charm.

WiRNS adds a lot of value to a ReplayTV setup even if you don't need it to proxy the listings - ToDo lists and remote scheduling are really useful tools to have. kjac is doing a fantasic job and deserves to be commended.
With WiRNS and DVArchive, I certainly am set until Voom has their PVR set and ready - and given the flexibility I currently have, the Voom PVR is going to need to be spectacular to get me to jump (I can timeshift HD OTA on my PC the only HD recording I'm missing is the satellite channels)

I just realized - I'm a geek! :eek:

No more than me Tracey :). What OTA card are you using? I've got the FusionIII now. It works better than the FusionII did, but not as well as the MyHD120 I had. I agree, kjac is doing wonderful things with WiRNS!

Now that we've completely hijacked the thread...FusionII - I'm still using the Fusion software - but I'm fooling around with MyHTPC and GotTV. I can view (and pause) TV that way but I haven't tried recording yet.

I'm another, soon to be, Voom customer VERY interested in ReplayTV support for my 5160!!!
Come on Voom and ReplayTV get together on this :yes
dsball said:
Are you using the IR Blaster with General Instruments code 0869?

That's exactly what I'm using. Works great for me - now if I could only get the OTA added....

It's always something!

Its too bad WiRNS doesnt use XMLTV. I was able to get an XMLTV listing that cat'd (merged) my OTA and VOOM listings, works like a charm. Now if I could only capture in HD!
I'm new to WiRNS so pardon me if this is way off. But looking up the project on SourceForge it says the following:

WiRNS is a C# Solution for ReplayTV owners who live outside of the United States. It allows you to load custom guide/lineup information from xmltv sources, while still proxying appropriate connections to the "mothership".

So it looks to me to do XMLTTV...
If thats the case then you should be able to use the xmltv cat functionality to merge voom listings with those of your local OTA channels. I'm doing that right now for my software based solution. Works great! Just create two xmltv configuration files, download the listings, cat them together. and you have channel listings for all your available channels.

Maybe this is so obvious that no one's mentioned it. I found it helped me. I set-up Tivo with Dish Networks program guide. I use IR contol. General Instruments STB, code is 10035. It changes the Voom Box. At least I can now manually record programs. Can't use Dish presets, because channels are different. My Series 2 Tivo has to be set-up. It won't function unless it you set it up with some type of channel listing. I paid my $299 lifetime fee in 2002, otherwise I wouldn't waste $13/mo on Tivo.
tuefel said:
I'm new to WiRNS so pardon me if this is way off. But looking up the project on SourceForge it says the following:

WiRNS is a C# Solution for ReplayTV owners who live outside of the United States. It allows you to load custom guide/lineup information from xmltv sources, while still proxying appropriate connections to the "mothership".

So it looks to me to do XMLTTV...

That's an old description. It now uses Zap2It for the guide data, and does not only apply to non-US people :)
Madpoet or anyone .....I have 2 D* Tivo and was wondering if they could be used with the Voom Stb ? Or could they be used as an OTA setup ....I plan on cancelling the D* service in Aug 04 and was wondering if they can be used for anything to record when I cancel D* or is this just another Door stop? HD=Voom

I do plan on getting the PVR w V* when it comes out and just want to know what good are these tivo??????

Moving Voom Service

Voom picture quality

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