The babe that has hypnotic suggesstion power died... Syler shot her after she tried to suggest to him that he kill himself. She was just a secondary character for the most part I think. The didn't actually show her body going down though, just blood splattered on the window after the shot, making it look like maybe she shot him... but I really doubt they'd kill off the main villian this early, especially at the hands of a secondary character.
I had a suspicion they were going to kill off the split personality chick, and she'd kill herself the way they were hyping that one hero would die, but I'm glad that they didn't since her inner struggle is part of what makes the show interesting.
Have any of you ever played the Palladium Games Heroes Unlimited and Villians Unlimited Role Playing Games? I played it in high school and a little in college. It's the first rpg that got me in to rpgs... I now have many, many, many rpg books downstairs collecting dust... Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas and Superspys, some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle games (believe it or not, TMNT actually used to be a lot grittier and had more of an adult target audience before the cartoon junk started), and tons and tons of World of Darkness games... spent a small fortune on all of that junk, and now it's just sitting there doing nothing...
Anyways, it seems that whoever's writing this Heroes show must have played it or similar games when they were younger. A lot of the powers seem to come straight out of that book... There's another rpg out there just called Heroes... but I've never played it.
The Heroes Unlimited/Villians Unlimited (and to a certain extent Beyond the Supernatual/Ninjas and Superspys) Role Playing Game world had intangibility, invincibility, psychic powers, people with powers that could absorb other powers, people with powers that could negate other, and almost every stinking power on the Heroes series... some creative license of course...
At first, I thought Marvel, the guys behind X-men, and Mutant X, was behind all of this, but I'm not sure if that's the case or not... Based on Syler's character, it wouldn't surprise me since I think there's a Marvel Character that's similar to Syler that can absorb other's powers (not just Rogue, but some other bad guy too)
Based on what I've seen so far, it looks like the Cheerleader's dad is something similar to what Palladium Games would call a negapsychic or power negator... i.e. his power is that he shuts off other's powers in the surrounding area, just like that other guy can absorb other's powers that he's near.
I really like that nbc shows the show on the internet after it airs in case you forgot to record it. There's some bad motion blur in the online version, but it's ok, considering what it is.