Does external drive require external power?

Answers seem tobe all over the board. I have a Hopper3 with two WD My Book external hard drives now.. They are also about 15 years old and one of them has crashed. What is the best 1 or 2TB external hard drive for a Hopper 3 that is readily available NEW, not used. Not an SSD or a larger than 2TB. I do not have a Tablo or Wally either. Thanks in advance for good advice.
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What is the source of your information? I do not see any 2TB or smaller external Hard drives for sale with external power.
Not sure what you mean by what my source of information is. My three EHD's are all in their own enclosers, each with it's own power supply. This means i can turn them on or off independently. I buy the HD's then I buy enclosures for them. I keep them off when I'm not accessing their content because they're older HD's and they don't spin down like the newer HD's. You can't rely on the wattage from the H3's USB port to run three EHD's. It just isn't enough. Finally, I wouldn't advise using an HD larger than 1TB because you'd lose too much if it fails. But that's just my opinion.

One example of an external HD enclosure is the "INATECK 3.5 HARD DRIVE ENCLUSURE" (Amazon) . It's aluminum and it has no fan, I don't like fans in these enclosures. It has its own power supply and has an on/off switch.
I have a WD MY book 2TB external HDD. It is the one that has quit working. Can I just buy an internal HDD and replace it in the My Book? If so, what drive should I get?
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I have a WD MY book 2TB external HDD. It is the one that has quit working. Can I just buy an internal HDD and replace it in the My Book? If so, what drive should I get?
Have you taken it apart and removed the old drive without disturbing connectors/wires?
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I have a WD MY book 2TB external HDD. It is the one that has quit working. Can I just buy an internal HDD and replace it in the My Book? If so, what drive should I get?
I wouldn't recommend that. The USB to SATA circuitry could have failed and the drive is still good. If it were me I'd just buy a new one. I use slickdeals to find the best deal on drives. If you are patient you can find some amazing deals.
I wouldn't recommend that. The USB to SATA circuitry could have failed and the drive is still good. If it were me I'd just buy a new one. I use slickdeals to find the best deal on drives. If you are patient you can find some amazing deals.
That's why I always suggest a dock scenario....get the dock or powered SATA connector, try the old drive, problem solved or if not, get a new bare bones drive....NO bigger sthan 1T. Too much to lose. I only use 500 GB bare drives.
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