Does anyone know when E* will offer Fox HD local to Seattle area?

Welcome. It is not likely at this time. E* and Tribune are no longer in communications over retransmission of their HD stations. The stations have been removed from the uplink center. Neither side has officially said what the disagreement is. Part of it was the bandwidth being required by Tribune, but I am sure there is much more. HD locals carried by E* have been as low as 6mbs.

A (way too long) thread here:

Tribune (owner of KCPQ *and* KMYQ - channel 22) wants Dish to carry both KCPQ-HD and KMYQ-HD. And Dish, of course, won't ever carry stations like KMYQ so the two companies are at an impasse. It sucks sucks sucks and there's nothing we can do about it. Many of us on this board have tried writing to KCPQ, Dish, and Tribune and never get an answer.

Your only recourse as of now is over-the-air.
I did get a response from someone at Tribune back in July that said, in effect, don't blame us, it's Dish's fault. I told them they were holding us hostage. I didn't get any further replies.
You may be assuming that we are withholding KCPQ's digital signal, including its HDTV programming, from EchoStar. Not at all. We are negotiating with them to carry both KCPQ and its sister station in Seattle, KMYQ (formerly KTWB), which also has a substantial lineup of HDTV programming. EchoStar has been reluctant to commit to carry all of our stations. I hope you have made your views known as emphatically to EchoStar as you have to us, since the decision on which stations to carry is theirs. There is no federal "must carry" law that gives a station the right to have its digital/HDTV signal carried locally on satellite, comparable to the laws that apply to analog signals on cable and satellite. KCPQ and KMYQ are happy to have their HDTV programming carried on local cable systems, and look forward to having the same programming available to our satellite viewers.
The last several emails (last one sent 1/2/7) I have sent to '' have gone unanswered. The last several emails I sent the attorney at Tribune have been answered with condescending gibberish. To paraphrase Adlai Stevenson's retort to the Soviet UN Ambassador, Mr. Zorin, during the Cuban Missile Crisis: I feel we will get our answer "when hell freezes over."

On the bright side, given the fall and winter we have had out here, that may not be so far off.

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