Doctor Who

Question: Any early buzz on how Doctor Who's new — and significantly grayer — star Peter Capaldi will differ from his predecessor Matt Smith?
Ausiello: The Season 8 premiere, written by exec producer Steven Moffat, makes several overt references to the physical differences between the Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors (whose portrayers have a real-life age difference of 25 years) — including an extended and very amusing bit about Capaldi's "independently cross" eyebrows. That said, Capaldi himself sounds game for whatever adventures his showrunner cooks up. "The first time you make an escape through a ventilation shaft is quite special," he notes with a laugh. One future Season 8 installment, though, sounds a little less action-adventure and a little more introspective. Indeed, Moffat promises an episode exploring "What does [the Doctor] do when he's got nothing to do?" (One theory: Recording DVD extras about "wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff.")
Talk about major leaks, not only was a b&w workprint of episode 1 leaked online, bit it's now been joined by eps. 2-6.

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Just came across them looking for info about tonights episode. Doubt I'll watch them as the first was painful with the "effects" and text.

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I like Clara, but the show is supposed to be about the "Doctor" not the "Clara", I am a bit uncertain about this.
I was surprised about how they handled her with the regeneration. Supposedly she has "saved " all the Doctors so she should know that they wouldn't always be "cutie pies" . It was kind of odd. Had nothing to do with how Jenna Coleman played the character, it just seemed off to me. Really enjoyed Peter Capaldi.
Next episode is pretty good. 3rd episode Robots of Sherwood I really liked and am anxious for the clean completed version to air.

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I was surprised about how they handled her with the regeneration. Supposedly she has "saved " all the Doctors so she should know that they wouldn't always be "cutie pies" . It was kind of odd. Had nothing to do with how Jenna Coleman played the character, it just seemed off to me. Really enjoyed Peter Capaldi.

Since the companions represent the audience, I think it just reflected the worries of the audience if they would like the new Doctor or not. It will take a couple of episodes before we really know how Capaldi plays the Doctor.
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I am a Clara fan and do not mind having her around a lot, I also liked the setting, and could understand most of the dialogue, after reflection it was a more or less cohesive story line: unlike so many of the Matt episodes.
I really enjoyed this Doctor. It took a good half a season to a full season for me to warm up to Matt Smith for some reason. I think the bow tie won me over in the end ;)

This Doctor though is a brilliant actor. He has me already.

I really enjoyed Clara's doubts. This was the best acting I have seen her do I feel. Either that or I am on Doctor Who withdrawals and I'll take anything :) I was so glad it was not a "He's regenerated! ... and then two seconds later things go on like nothing has happened." I am glad it took all the characters a little bit to warm up to the new Doctor.

I loved his "That is the wrong question."

Can't wait for the rest of the season!
I liked the second episode but better than the first. The dalek story like was rehashed and weak, but I like Capaldi's acting better, now that he doesn't have to deal with any post-regeneration crises and be his own.
The way he portrayed the Doctor reminded me a lot of Tom Baker, especially how he talked to himself while others were around.
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I like this weeks episode Robots of Sherwood. It was the last of the leaked workprints I watched.
I've got the workprints, but have only watched the first. I'll probably hold off on the others unless I hear something was cut out or I get really bored.
Good episode this week. The barn scene surprised me. Did not see that one coming, especially when it was shown we'd seen it before.

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