Question: Any early buzz on how Doctor Who's new — and significantly grayer — star Peter Capaldi will differ from his predecessor Matt Smith?
Ausiello: The Season 8 premiere, written by exec producer Steven Moffat, makes several overt references to the physical differences between the Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors (whose portrayers have a real-life age difference of 25 years) — including an extended and very amusing bit about Capaldi's "independently cross" eyebrows. That said, Capaldi himself sounds game for whatever adventures his showrunner cooks up. "The first time you make an escape through a ventilation shaft is quite special," he notes with a laugh. One future Season 8 installment, though, sounds a little less action-adventure and a little more introspective. Indeed, Moffat promises an episode exploring "What does [the Doctor] do when he's got nothing to do?" (One theory: Recording DVD extras about "wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff.")