Do You Love VOOM?


New Member
Original poster
Oct 22, 2004
I'm thinking about getting VOOM and I'm aware of the pitfalls, but I'd really like to know why people get it and stick with it anyway. Why do you love it?
I have two HD displays-a pj in the home theater and a Sony RP LCD in the den. Voom has the most HD content available. That's why I have it. I like Equator, Discovery HD, Bravo HD, HBO HD and of course the sports channels ESPN HD and TNTHD. That being said, for all the content, I find myself watching less and less except for sports - given the amount of repetition. But I would encounter that with any of the satellite services.
I have a 110" display and I do NOT love Voom. I like it but I don't love it. If they would fix the PQ issues, I would LOVE Voom.
We love Voom! We have enjoyed VaVaVoom since May.

#1 - Lots and lots of HD. Beautiful pictures, which are better for everything, but particularly travelogs, nature, scenery, art galleries, extreme sports, etc. We hardly ever watch SD anymore, except for news sometimes. Combine the HD with the superb surround sound, and it makes for great home theater, especially for films.

#2 - All the Voom exclusive channels with programming that benefits the most from HD: movies, world travel, music concerts, extreme sports, fashion, animation, etc. Eye candy!

#3 - NO TV COMMERCIALS on the Voom exclusive channels and on most premium movie channels. Well, there are commercials for their own programming and coming attractions -- all useful info. But there are no annoying fast food commercials, car commercials, medicine commercials, etc. etc.

There is indeed a lot of repetition of the programming. But we always find something great to watch.

Also, you can get spoiled. After you can watch a lot of Hi Def, you wonder how you ever enjoyed Lo Def.
I can only think of about 30 reasons I LOVE VOOM. But most of them involve the following letters: H D.

Oh and the price is right, it can not be beaten.!!
EllenK said:
I'm thinking about getting VOOM and I'm aware of the pitfalls, but I'd really like to know why people get it and stick with it anyway. Why do you love it?

I see this is your first post, so here is a sincere welcome to the forum. Personally, I don't 'love' Voom, but I like it. I've had the VaVaVoom package since January, and it has been fun to see the channel lineup grow, and to be able to watch a lot of movies in HD. Granted, there are some warts, and the liquid nitrogen to fix them has been slow to appear. But overall, the HD is addicting.

I've also been a lut luckier than a lot of people who post here. No problems with the STB, no billing hassles, no credit card snafus. The only problem I had was inability to receive 1 local channel, and Voom upgraded my OTA for free, and now I get all the locals. I stick with Voom because we get far more HD than the competition provides. And if Voom goes away, I'll subscribe to the service that provides the most/best HD content.
I have Voom with VaVaVoom for about a month now and love the HD. I watch shows I would have never stopped at...just because the picture is so compelling!
The negative side--I have no OTA and therefore no network and locals. I have kept my cable and find this a terrific pain. I have been watching Voom less and less because usually I put on local new and network stuff first...then Voom for movies and specials if nothing else is on that I want to see. But that being said....I still LOVE Voom and just hope the promised improvements come to pass some day.

I almost forgot to mention THE TENNIS CHANNEL! Yeah VOOM. :clap
thinking about getting VOOM

EllenK said:
I'm thinking about getting VOOM and I'm aware of the pitfalls, but I'd really like to know why people get it and stick with it anyway. Why do you love it?
For the HD baby.... I love my HDTV... It's the most and best affordable HD anywhere....

Not getting the 5.1 dolby digital always

Directv Installer No-Show
