I agree with almost every post on here... As weird as that sounds. Payroll may be a small price of the pie, and same with the credits given to customers, and other things. How many small peices of that same pie, does it take to become a significant price of the pie, when added together? Let's agree, price increases are coming, well, because of all of the expenses added up, and to still make a profit after that. Employees need payed, equipment needs new software designs, customers need to be rocked to sleep(figuratively), channels have increases with new contracts, channels have costs increases annualy, PR, HR, lawsuits, etc. these are just the few that are at the top of my head. One that most people do not know about, is all coaches and managers from both Echostar and Dish, had to be trained again, for a more precise leadership. They are basically, now, receiving training for leadership positions. Before, it was just whoever was thought to be the best.
Man, it's almost like running a business.