Do you like 50 or 60 Hz video format if so it's has to rez, and the video framerate?

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jan 23, 2005
Albuquerque, NM, USA
As for me I prefere 60 Hz with 30 FPs over Euro 50 Hz 25 FPS video system, since we have better refresh rate. What you guys think which one you like the best!:D
N5 that one is a little over my head, and I'm not familiar with the euro specs anyway. But isn't the higher refresh rate better for picture quality?

Yes refresh rate are better here in NA.:)

The Euro, specs are 576i and p and 720P "rarly used" and 1080i same goes for P. As for Euro TV networks, I think BBC-1 and 2 use 1080i same goes for some german stations. I have yet to see 720P 50 FPS stations listed. Please let us know if there such a stations that use 720p 50 Hz system.:cool:

The USA, specs are 480i and p and 720 "ABC, ESPN and FOX goes crazy on 720p at 60 FPS" 1080i and p are used by CBS,NBC and PBS.

I know Directv use 1080p at 24 FPs, for their pay per veiw but not quit good as Blu ray DVB bit rates though.
I have yet to see 720P 50 FPS stations listed. Please let us know if there such a stations that use 720p 50 Hz system.:cool:

It is the preferred standard by the European Broadcasting Union, German, Austrian, Swedish, Norwegian and Danish public broadcasters. Also I think the Saudi's use it for their multiple sports networks but they are 60 Hz with 110 and 220 so not 100% sure.
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