Do you have microstutters?

Ilya said:
I don't think this problem is on the transmitting end. If this was the case you wouldn't see any stutter on OTA channels. I think the problem is in the STB: output frequency is different from the input frequency. IMO, the STB itself is loosing frames.

I've posted this before, A few years back I had an old Unity Motion/Integra receiver on my C-Band dish that exibited the same symptoms. It turned out there was a hardware fix for it, it was also a frequency/timing issue. I've done the stopwatch thing as well, and am coming up with 32-33 sec times as well.
Perhaps, if it's a hardware thing, it will be fixed on their DVR when it becomes available. I seriously doubt they'd exchange all receivers in the field for a hardware upgrade, but it's possible.
To make this a clean experiment, there is one more test that needs to be done. Any volunteers?

I'd like to make sure that the stutter problem is present on VOOM only, but I can't do this myself: VOOM is my only TV source now. So, if you have another provider, try switching between CNN on VOOM and CNN on your cable/D*/E* see if you can reliably verify that the problem is present only on VOOM. Before you do this, make sure to train your eye on CNN's ticker, and make sure that you can see a frame drop every 33 seconds or so. After that switch TV input to your other provider.

Thank you!
Good news! I've got a reply from VOOM. They believe the stutter problem is fixed in the upcoming software release! (No updates on the release date yet...)

Ilya said:
Good news! I've got a reply from VOOM. They believe the stutter problem is fixed in the upcoming software release! (No updates on the release date yet...)


GOOD news, and it confirms that the problem is there and they are actually aware of it!

Would be nice to know what the problem is.
ChetK said:
I'm assuming that a "reply" would be in the form of an e-mail?
Yes, an e-mail from Peter Rees (VP, Systems Integration Rainbow DBS Co., LLC) stating the following: "Stutter appears to be fixed in our test builds."

Let's keep in mind though, that the microstutter issue is not very noticeable. Many people don't see it at all, or at least don't pay attention to it, as the above poll indicates. It took me awhile to recognize the microstutter as a systematic issue. So, I wouldn't be surprised if some people at VOOM and Motorola don't see it either. So, I am only cautiously optimistic. Once we see the new software version we'll be able to say for sure. At least VOOM is aware of the problem and is trying to fix it. In part, thanks to this very forum!
Ilya said:
Yes, an e-mail from Peter Rees (VP, Systems Integration Rainbow DBS Co., LLC) stating the following: "Stutter appears to be fixed in our test builds."...

Having worked with programmers and having been a programmer, I know that "appears to be fixed" often means that they have not seen it occur in the new release and they are hoping that they accidentally fixed it. I would be more optimistic if they said they looked for and found the problem and testing seems to confirm it. So - one has to wonder whether they really were looking for, and found it - or whether it just seems to have "gone away" mysteriously.
Scubasoul said:
LOL, you see it now too?
No, but if they solve the problem 39 of their viewers see then the whining will stop on this issue and we can move on to solving other problems. Frankly its even more frustrating seeing people complain about something when you dont see it or wonder why anyone would sit and stare hard enough at the TV too see it?
I have devised a quick fix for this problem......blink your eyes every 33 1/3 seconds in sequence with the micro-stutter and the problem is solved :)

In all seriousness though, I haven't ever noticed any "micro" stutters. The things I notice are the occasional complete A/V frame drops, or whatever they're technically called. Then again I'm not looking for them per se. I have just recently convinced myself to stop sharpshooting everything going on in my HT. In the past I could barely enjoy the content of what I was watching because I was constantly evaluating the PQ and SQ trying to see if I could tweak this or adjust that and so on. I must say I find watching Voom's HD and DVD's much more enjoyable now that I can force myself to set the remote down and just watch the damn show.
No, but if they solve the problem 39 of their viewers see then the whining will stop on this issue and we can move on to solving other problems. Frankly its even more frustrating seeing people complain about something when you dont see it or wonder why anyone would sit and stare hard enough at the TV too see it?

No offense vurbano, but we wouldn't be talking about it if it wasn't important to us. And just because 39 of the viewers see it doesn't mean that we're the only 39 people in the world to see it. It just menas we're the only 39 that report it on this forum and confirm that the problem does in fact exist (whether you choose to see it or not). In fact, it's so bad, that when watching the Lakers game on TNTHD last night, it makes the players look like they're travelling (or travelling through time is more like it).

So, please don't make comments like "why anyone would sit and stare hard enough at the TV too see it" because I don't have to "stare hard enough to see it." What else are you supposed to do when it is blatently obvious to those who actually care? Besides, I thought you were supposed to sit and stare at the TV. Is there something else you're supposed to do with it that I don't already know about? :D
ChetK said:
In fact, it's so bad, that when watching the Lakers game on TNTHD last night, it makes the players look like they're travelling (or travelling through time is more like it).
The microstutter problem we are discussing in this thread only occurs once in 33 second or so, and is not very noticeable. Sounds like you are talking about a different problem altogether. Do you see this on all channels? Over component cables too?
ChetK said:
Yes, that's the problem I'm talking about. Yes, I do have component. Yes, it's on every channel.
Ok, then we are on the same page! Just wanted to make sure... :)
FYI, here is Wilt's reply on the microstutter issue that I received this morning:

It's fixed in the coming release, which as with many software things is taking longer than we want, but it should be no more than a week or two.

I asked him, if this will be a general release or just a beta, and he replied:

I think release, but you never know with these things, it's not an exact science as you know--this is a big release with lots of stuff, including scanning and the like.
I've got versions of it and it's pretty nice.

It happens on all outputs so it's not just related to the HD side of things. I capture it over S-Video when recording programs and also see it via Composite on my 27" TV. I also see it via DVI & Component through my pj.

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