Do you have Identity Theft Protection?

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SatelliteGuys Master
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Lifetime Supporter
Dec 31, 2006
Do you have Identity Theft Protection?
My BoA offers IDP for 12.99$ monthly, should I go for it?
depends do others want your credit????

Well I want to keep monitoring my Credit score, just to make sure no one does any random ****.
I have good CC score, never had any late payments, or any other type of issues, for that matter I never went Overdrawn either....I keep good accounting..
I just want to monitor my credit score...
$12.99 a month is a lot. You can get one report from each bureau free per year and but a few others and still come out cheaper. i think that they are exploiting consumer fears.
$12.99 a month is a lot. You can get one report from each bureau free per year and but a few others and still come out cheaper. i think that they are exploiting consumer fears.

Free ones I don't believe of...after I tried to get a Credit report last year I was bombarded by pre-authorized CC deals...
I think those guys share your information as soon as you put your SSN # in for the credit report.
Tose guys are he credit bureasus themselves. Wher do you think these comr from. If you do decide to pay shopa round that rate is way too high.
I think most of those places are just getting rich off of it.
Eventhough I make good money, my spending practices have not been that good. I have little to worry about, as if they could even get credit in my name, they couldn't hurt my rating much anyhow ;)
I get my free report each year that I am entitled to ( from the gov't from all 3 at different intervals throughout the year. I have not done it yet this year but last I knew, the did not require you to get all 3 at once so I stagger them 3 months each.

I also make sure to get my free credit report if I am ever denied credit by someone based on my credit report (I believe this still is valid, but I have not applied for credit in a couple years).

I also will pull my report myself once a year through, there is usually a discount code or coupon code for 3-bureau reports floating around. So in total, I pay about $30 a year and I get at least 2 reports a year from each bureau. If you time it, you could basically get 1 report every 2 months from one of the companies. Each one will give you a very good idea of what is on the other 2 at the time.

As for identity theft insurance. I would never pay a service to do something I can do much better. No one looks out for you better than you. You might want to check with insurance you already have. My life insurance has a identify theft benefit of 500k lifetime payout.
I had my wallet stolen with my id and credit cards in. So i signed up for costco's credit protection, it tells you if something gets processed against your credit. I will probably stop it after about 1 year, just to make sure. So for me it's worthewhile to catch anything early. But otherwise i would not have done it.
The company that I work for recently had some information hacked/stolen. Many employees have now been the victims of identity theft. Some of the thieves took out cell phones in our employee's names, got credit cards, bought computers from Dell, and even rented a car using one of the ill-gotten credit cards and never returned the car. Some opened up bank accounts and tried to write rubber checks, and they even did change of addresses.

I am in Canada, and I don't know if it is the same in the USA or not, but I called all 3 Canadian credit bureaus and had them put a Fraud Alert on my records. Anybody doing a credit check on me will get a message about the potential for ID Theft, and that they should call my home number to verify that I was in fact applying for credit. (Similar to those LifeLock commercials I hear on XM radio all the time). It cost me nothing to have the fraud alert put on my account, and it stays in place for 6 years for all 3 credit bureaus.. I believe that I've accomplished the same thing that LifeLock does by putting fraud alerts on the records and it only cost me an hour of my time... (well, my companie's time - I made the calls during business hours because it is their lack of security that caused my info to get stolen).
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