That's what I thought. I've been on here for quite a while and if there's one thing I've learned it's not to believe everything the reps say over the phone. But still, she was so positive about it.
There is a USB port in the back. If you're already using it for a Sling adapter or something else, look for a powered USB hub. Works great for me, I can run both devices off the back port and the wife is happy there isn't a wire sticking out the front...One thing is I wish dish had the USB port in the back of the unit so the install looked cleaner.
20 minutes seems like a very long time to me. I have an Element version from WD. Does anybody else think 20 minutes is about twice as long and normal?Just thought I would post an update.
I bought this one for 79.99 free ship, no tax when it was on special at newegg. - Western Digital My Book Essential 2TB USB 2.0 External Hard Drive WDBAAF0020HBK-NESN
so far it works perfect. sleeps and wakes automatically. one HD movie about 4.5 GB takes about 20 minutes to transfer. I suspect that would improve maybe if USB 3.0 was an option but it's not. It really isn't bad though.
I like how you can just play it right off the EHD with no issues at all.
very slick
thanks for the info guys
One thing is I wish dish had the USB port in the back of the unit so the install looked cleaner.
20 minutes seems like a very long time to me. I have an Element version from WD. Does anybody else think 20 minutes is about twice as long and normal?
There is a USB port in the back. If you're already using it for a Sling adapter or something else, look for a powered USB hub. Works great for me, I can run both devices off the back port and the wife is happy there isn't a wire sticking out the front...
I bet your wrong. While the copying is taking place, the stream must also be encrypted so going a whole lot faster isn't going to be possible regardless of the interface technology.I suspect that would improve maybe if USB 3.0 was an option but it's not.