CWC here in Florida, plus I try to get a refresher course each year to stay current on the law changes and self defense techniques.
Originally taught gun safety by my father but really learned in the military and got real experience in combat.
So, for many years after leaving the military I didn't want anything to do with carrying a gun for self defense. Then a neighbor was shot in his home by a burglar when I lived in NY. Gun laws were tough in NY so after I moved to FL I bought my first 9mm and got the training and CWC permit. I only carried it out in public when I was in a dangerous location. Later I stopped a burglary to my next door neighbor, made a citizens arrest on a DUI cab driver, and had to pull my CW on a thug in a K-Mart Parking lot to stop him from attacking my wife. Details are not important, Fact is I have had to use it and had it when it counted. That's three times being armed stopped a crime.
Today I have several handguns as I like to target practice with a variety of handguns. I also own a shotgun and an AR15. The shotgun is a gift from my father but I would not use it for defense in the home. Too much damage! The AR15 is just because I am allowed to own one and decided to buy before they got out of sight pricewise. Yes, it's outfitted for sniper work but that's just my toy! I would not even think of grabbing it for self defense unless this nation were under attack and authorities needed every citizen capable to aid in a militia, even old vets like me.
As for CWC. In Florida the law requires you to maintain the weapon concealed! The way it was explained to me is that means iof another can detect you are carrying, or you advise someone you are carrying it is no longer concealed and you are in violation. The only time you may display your CW is if it is required to stop a crime, in self defense or to defend another. This was as of last February when I did my annual refresher course. BTW- annual refresher is not a requirement here but I do it voluntarily. I would vote for annual requirement as I'm a strong believer in education and training to carry. My new favorite personal CW is the Micro Desert Eagle. It conceals well without special wardrobe adjustments.
Hey pro96- Is that what is known as a jamomatic? I have one too.

The damn thing will autofire until it jams. Mine is an Intratec 9 I had to stop taking it to the range since it would turn heads when I used it.
Interesting thread. Glad everyone is keeping the politics out of it.