Do you carry a bazooka on a daily basis ?

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I'm just curious if any of you carry a bazooka on a daily basis?

Do you open carry it or conceal it?

That would be ridiculous. The rifle in the trunk of my car only has a grenade launcher on it and the 12 in my truck have no such add ons! (Of course they are only there overnight, mere temporary traffic LOL)
An old time shoemaker is making a custom leather holster for me so I can carry my bazooka more comfortably. There's a lot more armed robberies just before Christmas, and I want to be ready.
An old time shoemaker is making a custom leather holster for me so I can carry my bazooka more comfortably. There's a lot more armed robberies just before Christmas, and I want to be ready.

UPDATE: I got the holster today and the bazooka fits like a glove. He did a GREAT job. Now I can carry it much more comfortably.
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Who is interested in helping to suggest ideas for a Man Cave?

Instant christmas carollers!!
