Got a super on the line and she said she is 100% positive since I was approved for WSB in Atlanta way back when, and since I am moving to Atlanta, I will still be able to receive the ABC distant feeds...she said it would not expire because it was approved b4 I came into their viewing area. She said any current waivers pending or new may be denied now but I could always send out using my new address. With her stating once again that I would not lose my ABC waiver only because WSB approved it before and was still telling her that it is ok for me to keep these channels.....upgraded the guide and there all still there, all the DNS' and the new ATL local package. Or will I lose the ABC DNS (if I lose it at all) at a later date?
Is this info correct? She sounded very knowledgable and american, Otherwise, did I mess up and should've kept old address as service address and just changed the billing to my new address?