Iceberg, the statement was not made towards or ment to be offensive towards any one person or people. If you took it the wrong way, I appologize. I am glad to hear that you are honest about reviews and are here for the right reason.
I guess I misread it wrong and I apologize. Have a lot going on in the old noggin so sometimes I can react wrong. (done that a few times this week already)

We're all good
As a token of my appreciation, your hard work and dedication to this forum and being so informative and willing to help others, I will take care of your request for a 1.2m offset dish. I will send you one of our WS1247 120cm offset dish with polar mount free of charge and with all shipping and handling paid.
I think I speak for everybody here when I say thank you for everything you do. Your hard work is appreciated not only by me, but I'm sure by every member. :up
Thank You
Now I'm going to get out of here before I start giving away the whole warehouse.