I don't think that Voom is "pushing a homosexual agenda" as much as they are supplying customers with what they want.
So, DivineHD is not appropriate for family viewing? Is there a backlash against Playboy Hot HD? Granted, it is a premium service, but you can still block out Divine HD from your favorites guide. I personally don't care about it one way or the other.
Let us get something straight (no pun intended): Just because you supply a gay channel doesn't mean you are pushing gay values any more than supplying Playboy means you are pushing sexist values or objectifying women.
Just because you don't want to see it doesn't make you a homophobe. Not wanting to see something is not always based on fear, so it isn't a phobia.
I don't watch BET, but I am not a racist. I do not watch Divine, but I am not a homophobe. They just don't have much that interests me. Vurbano, you can look at it this way: with Divine HD up and running, it will pull all that genre off of the other exclusive channels to consolidate it into one easy to block channel.
I personally think that branding the HD Cinema 10 channels is a great idea, but there will certainly be some channels people don't like. I just don't watch those and watch the other ones more. It would be nice if they had a Sci-Fi HD Movie channel, but I don't think they have enough titles to make an actual channel out of that genre yet.
Of course, I don't get the big controversy with gay marriage, either. I don't see how I am personally harmed by it. Nobody is being harmed, it is consenting adults and it costs me nothing financially, so I have no damages I can show. Case closed in my book.
My main question is what are the other HD Cinema channels eventually going to look like? We have HD World Cinema, Divine HD, Epics and what else? There are classics and westerns a-plenty on the channels. What other formats will the other channels adopt? And where is my Sci-Fi?