Distributing TV2 signal throughout house - Is it possible?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jan 20, 2005
I currently have an 811 and an old 311. I'm considering upgrading the 811 to the 622 now that they are offering the $10 month credit and have the new HD packs. I've recently added some living space to the house and now have a few extra rooms w/ TVs. Since they wont be used very often (spare room, fitness room, etc), I was wondering if there is anyway that I could take the TV2 signal that would come out of the 622 and distribute it to the other TVs, so all I would have to do is have extra remotes in each room. I currently have only 1 RG6 cable to each wall jack that all run back to a central location. I have 2 RG6 cables that come in to this central location from the satellite outside. I want to be able to view all of the channels at each spot if possible. I cannot add additional cables. Can this happen? If so how? Thanks in advance.

*one more thing, what's the current promo for trading in a leased 811 for a 622for existing customer?

Yes, it's possible to do what you want, with a few caveats.

You can diplex the downpath sat signal with a return RF signal (from the 622's TV2 output) onto one cable. At your home run location point, you need to split/amplify the return RF and distribute to your other locations. You will most certainly need to amplify the signal since the 622's RF modulator is quite weak.

There is one complication possibility, though: If you intend to have an OTA antenna connection to your 622, that needs another cable. It could also be diplexed onto the sat signal cable, but not at the same time as the 622's RF return output.
Is the 622 modulater not as good as the ones in the 522/625? I find that the 522/625 modulators work just fine and do not need an amplifier.
asmcbride said:
*one more thing, what's the current promo for trading in a leased 811 for a 622for existing customer?
It's $199. I just set it up this weekend. There is also a $10 for 10 months rebate if you are upgrading to one of Dish's "metal" packages. So it works out to be $99.
It depends. If the installer ran the TV2 cable directly from the TV2 output on back of the receiver to TV2 in the other room, then you gotta problem with hooking up the rooms. You can do it but you'll have to do some rewiring. My next paragraph I think will explain it.

IF you have a cable box that the cable from all your rooms comes back into, AND the installer has the TV2 line coming from the TV2 output on the receiver back out to the cable box and then "barrelled" (or connected) onto the line going up to your present TV2 room, then you can take the TV2 line coming from the receiver and connect it to the "IN" port of a splitter and connect your other rooms cables to the "OUT" ports on the splitter. And that will give you a picture on your other TVs. They will all of course be the same picture ("mirror images").

You may have to use a couple of splitters to get all your rooms hooked-up. Just connect a "jumper" cable from an OUT port on your 1st splitter to the IN port on your 2nd splitter.

Now here is the catch: I've done this with up to 3 TVS (that is all they asked for) off the TV2 on a 322 receiver. I have not had a customer request this with a 625 DVR or a 622 HD DVR.
One of the other posters mentioned the the 622 modulator may be too weak to do this. I really don't know.

And to CLARIFY, ALL of these "TV2s" will have the same picture at the same time all the time, i.e., if you turn the channel in "bedroom2" the rest of your "TV2s" also turn to that channel. You can't have different channels on at the same time in your "TV2" rooms.

You may actually find your biggest problem will be getting extra "TV2" remotes. It might cost you a nice little sum.
I have two 622'S hooked up to the cable going through the house so now any tv can watch either 622.

I just used a 3 way splitter backwards put 3 in's in the out's and the in connected to the splitter going through the rest of the house.
In my post above, I was speaking in terms of a "new house" where all the cables come together outside usually near the electric meter.

Now, of course if your house and your rooms have already been connected for cable, then the cable box already has the splitter(s) in there and you just have to disconnect the "main cable line" coming in from the street and connect the TV2 line coming from the receiver onto that port.

You just have to be careful if someone has internet service thru the cable that you leave it hooked-up.
That depends

What you want to do is definitely possible, but TV2 is not high def. If that is not a major consideration, the 622 is a great box. I have one in my house using TV2 going to 3 tv's. I've found the remote to be able to work over a pretty long distance. I can get a signal from most of my basement to 2nd floor of my house. I would probably not need an amp if my 3rd tv did not have a hidden splitter.
thanks for all of the replies, however I still have a few questions. My current wiring setup consists of (2) coax cables that come from the outdoor satellite to my wiring closet. From this same wiring closet I have homeruns of 1 coax cable to each room. This is where I get confused. I currently use a female to female barrell to connect the 2 incoming coax from the sat to my 2 receivers. 1 goes to the 811 in the living room, the other barrel connects to the homerun to the bedroom to the 311. So what I dont understand is this: Since I only have 1 coax cable going from my living room back to my wiring closet where all of the other rooms cabling originates how will I get the signal from the TV2 output back to this wiring closet to distribute it? I'll need to use that single cable to my living room to carry the signal from the sat to the receiver, right? Is there some way that I can also use this same cable to carry the signal from the TV2 output back to the wiring closet? There is no way that I can install a second run of coax from this room all the way back to the wiring closet. Basically what I need to know is how I can use a dual tuner receiver and get the TV2 signal to another location in the house when there is only 1 single coax cable coming to the point of service of the receiver.
My 622 upgrade was installed today. Previously, I had my HD on remote 1 and then had 3 other sets (with the same data) with 3 #2remotes. The installer was only able to program the #1 remote and 2 #2 remotes. He called DISH and was told that 3 is the max number of remotes that the 622 will accept. Does anyone know of a workaround for this? I'm not a technical whiz, so if you can put it in very simple terms, that would be wonderful.
My 622 upgrade was installed today. Previously, I had my HD on remote 1 and then had 3 other sets (with the same data) with 3 #2remotes. The installer was only able to program the #1 remote and 2 #2 remotes. He called DISH and was told that 3 is the max number of remotes that the 622 will accept. Does anyone know of a workaround for this? I'm not a technical whiz, so if you can put it in very simple terms, that would be wonderful.

Nonsense. Any number of remotes set at the same setting will work.
Use two diplexers. Diplexers have an ANT. and SAT, or power pass input, Connect line from pro+seperator into sat input on diplexer, connect tv-2 output, into ANT, side of diplexer, connect line into IN/OUT terminal on diplexer.
Trace line to junction box.
Take diplexer #2
connect IN/OUT terminal to line from reciever.... (I.E. other diplexer)....
connect SAT line to Sat line (see aint this easy!..lol...) Connect ANT from diplexer into 3-way, 5-way, or however many way spllitters you want!!!,,, you don't need to amplify nothing!!!! it works like a cable system then! you can daisy-chain splitters together for as many T.V.s as you want! i've connected up to twelve sets of the TV 2 mirrored and have never had a problem
Oh, u say you don't have a dual tuner with a tv two?
OH well home distribution kinda sucks then... i could do it but rather not go into it...
woops dident bring up the correct diagram. From that screen go to install then images and wiring diagrams. Then select dpp w/diplexers from the drop down menu. Sorry bout that but that should help.
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thanks for all of the replies, however I still have a few questions. My current wiring setup consists of (2) coax cables that come from the outdoor satellite to my wiring closet. From this same wiring closet I have homeruns of 1 coax cable to each room. This is where I get confused. I currently use a female to female barrell to connect the 2 incoming coax from the sat to my 2 receivers. 1 goes to the 811 in the living room, the other barrel connects to the homerun to the bedroom to the 311. So what I dont understand is this: Since I only have 1 coax cable going from my living room back to my wiring closet where all of the other rooms cabling originates how will I get the signal from the TV2 output back to this wiring closet to distribute it? I'll need to use that single cable to my living room to carry the signal from the sat to the receiver, right? Is there some way that I can also use this same cable to carry the signal from the TV2 output back to the wiring closet? There is no way that I can install a second run of coax from this room all the way back to the wiring closet. Basically what I need to know is how I can use a dual tuner receiver and get the TV2 signal to another location in the house when there is only 1 single coax cable coming to the point of service of the receiver.

Well I have 22 RG6 cables ran to each room or sometimes each wall and using LCD TV's they work out great. I ran 2 to each location instead of 1 so I could have an input and output as need. Since I ended up with D* & E* HD at present that extra cable is used with a manual low tech slider A/B switch at each TV and this computer (4 total). It is chrome plated anyway! Were hard to find but cheap and very Wife user-friendly. Without having two services your one cable should work just fine. In the powered Home Distribution Box in the garage I use a ChannelPlus 3X8 powered multi-room splitter. I designed and built the house this way, however with a little work it could be done to any home. I even have this signal on this computer. May upgrade my D* HR10-250 DVR to the new HR20 since no dual output is available for it so I use a D* SD Tivo. Great PQ on all sets and use the DISH #2 remote to control VIP 622 from any location and a modified Tivo remote to do the same for D*. Good Luck, should be no issues since the VIP 622 HAS two working outputs. As you know that second output is SD but using newer sets it really looks great.

Within a year or two we may be sending HD wireless or a new process using RG6, or electric boxes! Who knows?
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The house I am building for myself I am wiring 3 wires with a phone wire to each side of the room in most of the rooms in the house except a small bedroom that I never plan on having a multi-tuner satellite receiver in. It also does not hurt to have the extra wires because you never know.
You can use diplexers in your cable line that goes from your central room to the receiver . You will need 2, one for each end and they are about $10 each. The diplexer will combine the higher frequency satellite signal and the receiver rf output signal onto the same cable. The diplexer looks like a splitter but has seperate inputs for the satellite signal and the rf signal and then one output . You can input the signal on one end and then remove it on the other end . There can be a slight loss of signal but not much. So at the receiver you would hook your incoming cable line to the diplexer input and then run 2 short cables to your receiver tv2 out and satellite in. In the closet you would hook up basicly the same way . Play with these hookups and you will get it . Its fairly simple . Home Depot, Lowes or Radio Shack will have the diplexers.


2 Dishes for E*, only 1 for D*

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