dishstandsbyyou gives you a great credit for fox dispute

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It has been normal practice for Dish to hand out free PPV coupons to good customers when price increases are announced.

I didn't receive the PPV coupons email, but I did receive notification of the increase via snail mail. I was given a choice of a free month of the Multi Sport Pack or a Movie Pack that basically looks like BB@Home without Epix.
I actually opened up my post to them about not watching Fox News, ever, and continued with my support of the Dish stance. I got the $50 and some PPVs, both snail and email....
Not a political post, but more a generational post. Folks of a certain age, when they see something reported on TV, generally believe it to be true, and have no reason to distrust what they just heard. Let's say we hear that Comcast and AMC are in a dispute, and AMC runs a scroll on their channels how Comcast dropped the channel. Those without inside info, or those that don't follow the industry, will tend to take that word as fact. Also comes from a time when if they heard it on TV from what they consider an official source, they believe it to be true, no reason to doubt.

Not sure if it's generally younger folks and/or us here, but we tend to take any "official" communication with a grain of salt, and check multiple sources.
I'll be 74 in a few weeks and yeah, you're right, young people are sooo much smarter. :baby
I never watch Fox News so I have not missed anything. Therefore I feel no need to be compinsated for not having them around.

Did get the PPV coupons, which we will gladly use. Don't watch PPV without them!
I figure if it's okay for me to pay Dish for channels I don't watch, it's okay for Dish to pay me for channels I don't watch. :D

I filled out the form last week, but I haven't gotten any credits (via email or on my account). I am out of contract, but I do have an on going credit of $10/month.
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I never watch Fox News so I have not missed anything. Therefore I feel no need to be compinsated for not having them around.
Principle with due reason , most just don't get.
A sign of the new world in which we live full of generations of those with nothing to stand for.

=Society - lined with a piece of paper "they" covet and chase....
Called the Almighty dollar.

I sense a not so "lazy dog" & I commend you.
I'll be 74 in a few weeks and yeah, you're right, young people are sooo much smarter. :baby
I am almost as old as you and you are right, they are much smarter than we were. They have figured out how to live with mom and dad until their mid thirties (and get them to foot the bills). We were out of the house by 18 in most cases and paying our own way. Maybe we had better parents.
I am almost as old as you and you are right, they are much smarter than we were. They have figured out how to live with mom and dad until their mid thirties (and get them to foot the bills). We were out of the house by 18 in most cases and paying our own way. Maybe we had better parents.

Or times and the economy have changed? Think of that?... As time changes so do people, ideas and thoughts?... Interesting to ponder....What was then is not now......Just like paying for TV.....
Or times and the economy have changed? Think of that?... As time changes so do people, ideas and thoughts?... Interesting to ponder....What was then is not now......
Moral stature and Standing firm principle ??
(For with truth... There will never be any substitute... Comes to mind)
AND ...From the beginning & conception of the man made thing
.....Called "time!"
Moral stature and Standing firm principle ??
(For with truth... There will never be any substitute... Comes to mind)
AND ...From the beginning & conception of the man made thing
.....Called "time!"

Thanks rev.... now live in todays world....Do I agree not totally...but would someone in the 1920s 30s 0r 40s? LOL ....
Not a political post, but more a generational post. Folks of a certain age, when they see something reported on TV, generally believe it to be true, and have no reason to distrust what they just heard. Let's say we hear that Comcast and AMC are in a dispute, and AMC runs a scroll on their channels how Comcast dropped the channel. Those without inside info, or those that don't follow the industry, will tend to take that word as fact. Also comes from a time when if they heard it on TV from what they consider an official source, they believe it to be true, no reason to doubt.

Not sure if it's generally younger folks and/or us here, but we tend to take any "official" communication with a grain of salt, and check multiple sources.
Hmmm. I've read the above paragraph on the internet, and don't believe it to be true. In fact, I know it to be utter horsesh**. And, it would still be horsesh**, even if I saw it on TV.
Hmmm. I've read the above paragraph on the internet, and don't believe it to be true. In fact, I know it to be utter horsesh**. And, it would still be horsesh**, even if I saw it on TV.
Wait... so does that mean you are young?

Some people will believe what they want to believe. That isn't new and it isn't going anywhere. Young people these days, I tell ya... they think they know everything. When I was their age, we knew twice as much as they did. Pi to the 20th decimal!

*gets out shotgun to protect the lawn*
Actually, the math is pretty simple. If, for instance, I choose not to subscribe to ESPN in this a la carte scenario, I pay ~$5 less per month.

The carriers would build that fixed cost into their base package(s), and price it to realize a profit, as they do now. They would also price each content provider's channels for a profit above what they pay. And, just as now, they make more revenue and more profit from customers who subscribe to more channels/higher packages.

You can advocate for the system, whatever. But it is not going to happen. In addition, Fox News does not want that because a good chunk of consumers would deep six that crap altogether.
Can we now please stop the Dish vs DirecTV price comparison here? Points have been made on both sides.

May I suggest the War Zone:

That is what it's there for. :D

The whole point was to show that the Fox lovers chose Dish because of the lower prices. If they want the games and want to pay more for Fox then they have options. It will cost them more to put their money where their mouth is. But if they feel censored or need their fix, they have choices. Charlie even said the market may be ripe for a time when competitors are not comparable with every channel. Maybe we've reached that, or maybe Fox has accelerated that issue?
The prices I listed are the 2015 prices after applicable increases. The webpage you provided does not list the 2015 increase. And it does not list the equipment prices. I am looking for the "out the door" final bottom line price. That's comparing apples to apples.

because you you have to. Call it what you want, but it's not a major difference in price unless you start adding in tons of extras. Even then, it's not major.

That website does not include the coming dish price increase.

By the comments made here defending dish, you would expect their prices to be significantly lower on programming, but that is just not the case. Hence, the quick shift to "equipment" taken by people who have made such claims.
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