Dish's Subscription Milestone- How about Your Contribution?

I converted from C-Band when my programming broker offered me a deal when some of the C-Band stuff started going digital. First box was a DishPlayer. When it died, E* replaced it and when that died, I got a 501 at no charge, which is now mothballed because I have a 921. Sure wish I could remember when I signed up - maybe 1999?
I think Superstar/Netlink/Turner Vision started offering the Dish 500 downgrade (c-band fanboyism kicking in) in 2000. Even then, with a 4DTV, there was so much more programming available superior to that of DBS providers of the time.
I have E* currently on vacation hold, I have been a customer since November of 2001. I had AT150 (now AT180 for a year + Superstations) Receiver is a 4900 I have a D500 and a D300 Dish in my closet right now unused, I plan to possibly set it up when I move in a few weeks. I also have a lifetime subscription to Skyangel.
December 1997 - started with a 4000 and paid for and installed the system myself. Just recently upgraded to a 510 and a SuperDish and still use the 4000 as a 2nd receiver.

April of 1996 I think. It has been a long time. started with a 4000 reciever. Now I have way too many. I just retired my dishplayer. I have 2 501's, 508, 721, 811, 301 and hopefully a 921 if I can ever get one. You know you can"t watch TV with a DVR :D

My ex and I wanted to wait until Echostar II went up successfully before deciding betw. Dish and DirectTV. So ... I think it was Oct. 96. We had 2 receivers (master and slave ... maybe the 3000 and 2000?) and the original dish.

In 3/90 I upgraded to a Dish 500 and Model 5000 receiver.

Kept that til this past Dec. when I got the 811. Got the Superdish for my locals in March. Lost my locals in May when the leaves came out. Don't have the heart to tell them ....
I'm new. I started working for Atlantis Communications, an RSP in Delaware/Maryland/Virginia in October of 2002. Had to move to a more permanent place in June of 2003, and signed up. I'm close to closing my first year with Dish. I'll never look back. Get offers once a week to switch to Comcast.

Started with a 301/508 setup. Upgraded a month or two ago to a 721 with a mirror line to my second TV.
I started and have been with DISH since Fall of 1996 - I think there were about 500,000 subs then. Started with their low end standard receiver then upgraded in 1997 to the 1st DishPlayer - DISH 500, then purchased their 508 Model and sold the DP. I have basically been a "happy camper" BUT am on the verge of leaving "my" DISH Family because of HDTV. I bought a set recently BUT hate to pay now for another DISH receiver and another $10 a month for a few stinking channels of HDTV and hassle with an antenna for Locals. Am waiting and hoping that Charlie and Co. can offer HDTV customers an offer they can't refuse so I can just stay a DISH customer - am followng daily DTV, VOOM, and even Cable (can't believe I said that - wash me mouth out). That's right ComCast s once again offering us here $4-500 program credits to give up our DISH. PLEASE Charlie HELP!

BEST 2 All - - - - Michael
July 2001 for me. Started with a 4900 and 6000 - both are still in use. Recently added a 721 (thanks CJ and the executive office!). Other than a few bumps in the road, we've been happy subs.

I joined Dish Network in April of 1997 and I'm proud to be one of the original Sub One Million customers. I joined with a purchased a Model 4000 complete system for about 250 bucks and slef installed. Since I have upgraded several times as well as added receivers. Took advantage of a Free Dish 500 upgrade and got one month of free service for Self installing.

I'm a much newer subscriber. I'm in Anchorage Alaska and so for DBS Dish Network is the only affordable show in town. (DirecTV is availiable but with a minimum 4-6 ft dish and very costly installation fees)

I've been with Dish for about 2 months now. We've been very happy, the PQ is a huge upgrade over our local cable company, price is cheaper, and the customer service has been outstanding. I have a 301 and a 501 and a 311 on the way that I won at the Satellite Guy's Charlie Chat Room (Thanks

I only wish there were a less expensive option to be able to see the 110 satellite so I could get a lot more of the sports options. :)
Switched from Cable-vision to Dish in Summer of 1996 when I lived in Wichita. Started with 2 Model 4000's and a 24" dish. Replaced one of the 4000's with a JVC D-VHS a year or 2 later. Moved to Tulsa in Summer of 1999 and replace the 4000 with a 5000. Was on in 1st or 2nd wave of 501's which replaced the D-VHS. Replaced the 5000 with a 6000 in 2001, replaced the 501 with a 721 sometime in there. January of this year I replaced the 6000 with a 921. Hopefully the 721 will be replaced with a 942 early next year!!

Man, I've spent a ton of money on this crap.
Started with E* in 99? with a model 2700(which is still active) had bud since 80's, D* from 96- got a 501 a couple of years ago or so, a 6000 in Jan. of last year. Waiting for dust to settle on 921, 942 issues and to see how the hdtivos life goes :) I second A. Nolands Statement"Man I've spent a ton of money on this crap" :)
I originally subbed in Dec 1998. Stayed through Feb 2003 (almost 5 years), when my SO and I moved in together, and switched to cable. (It was physically easier, and they had a $25 x 16 months promo for Dish-switchers.)
After we got an HDTV/Home Theater setup in Jan of this year, she signed up as a new Dish customer (from my recommendation, BTW :shocked ).

My old receivers, a 3000, 3700, 4700, and 2700, as well as our recent 311, were all rock-solid compared to the tenuous 811. (Even the 510 has occasional bouts of flakiness, but nothing major.) I hope the soon-to-arrive 721 behaves itself.

I think maybe Dish grew too big too fast. It really is apparent when you leave for a while, and come back. I'm hoping they get their act together before our commitment is up. I'd like to stay, but we will have no second thoughts about switching. Brand loyalty is not an issue. (I find it ridiculous to become emotionally attached to a brand or company.) Whichever company provides the best value gets and/or keeps our business. (That includes cable and Voom, not just E and D.)

Me and my SO left cable for Dish last summer... Have 2 301's fed from a 4 footer at home... We pay $15 more for AT120/HBO/Showtime/Starz than what we paid for basic analog service...

'Converted' my best friend from the 'cable pig' last October... Also a 4 footer dish

The C-Band receiver I left at my parents house died last december, had a 301 and a 5 footer installed there on Dec. 31, upgraded to a 510 last march. :-)
I switched from cable just a few weeks ago. Dang! should have waited a few weeks and I might have been that 10 million'th subscriber :mad:
GaryPen said:
cyberized said:
That's right ComCast s once again offering us here $4-500 program credits to give up our DISH.
Comcast is offering you $2000 to switch? That doesn't sound right.
How about reading it as $400 to $500 instead of 4 x $500? :D

Signed up April 2003 because of the low price of AT50 ... and subscribed to AT100CD. Bought the dish at Wal*Mart and added a 301 from ebay about a month later (as well as tying in an old Dish500 for 61.5). Added an ebay 501 about a month ago and I wish I'd had a PVR for the last 20 years!

I've been an entusiast of satellite service for many years. I bought my C-Band dish in 1987-88. Some day I may install it. :eek: I bought it expecting to have a house but by the time I did the market changed and it became too expensive to install (I was making $3.65 an hour at the time - younguns stop laughing).

I followed the DBS craze as it started but still didn't have a chance to move in that direction. Rising cable prices made the decision easier last year. $33.95 for E*'s "100" or more for Comcrap's 35. Thanks Comcrap! You made DishNetwork's milestone easier to reach!


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