Summary of capacity at 61.5:
Unusable transponders (until they replace E3, or move another bird to 61.5 that can cover those frequencies):
# of Available HD channels per TP (Some TPs have TMP channels already defined):
TP16: 2 (TMP 13,16) (13 = SHOTO, 16 = TMC-E)
TP17: 7 (no channels defined)
TP20: 7 (TMP B,C,G,J,K,L,O)
TP21: 7 (TMP P,Q,R,S,T,14,15) (14 = WGNHD, 15 = SHO-W)
TP24: 7 (TMP A,D,F,H,I,M,N)
Total of 30 possible channels.
After that, they are out of room. All other TPs are filled with content. 129 has enough room to mirror all of that, so dont worry about being left out on the western side!
I am assuming once they play satellite shuffle and move E6 to an eastern arc location, they will mirror all the SD/mpeg2 HD stuff from 110/119 onto E6, and eastern arc will be "born". They'd still be in a bind for new HD, unless they can get 4,6,26,28 active on 61.5... because:
They will have 3 groups of customers
1. Existing Eastern US customers that dont have an EA dish. They will be pissed if new HD is added that they cant get. (for example, added to 129 and E6 at 72).
2. New Eastern US customers that have an EA dish. No forseen problems with this group.
3. Western US customers. No problems here either, except for a wobbly satellite at 129. Won't even need a dish upgrade.
Unusable transponders (until they replace E3, or move another bird to 61.5 that can cover those frequencies):
# of Available HD channels per TP (Some TPs have TMP channels already defined):
TP16: 2 (TMP 13,16) (13 = SHOTO, 16 = TMC-E)
TP17: 7 (no channels defined)
TP20: 7 (TMP B,C,G,J,K,L,O)
TP21: 7 (TMP P,Q,R,S,T,14,15) (14 = WGNHD, 15 = SHO-W)
TP24: 7 (TMP A,D,F,H,I,M,N)
Total of 30 possible channels.
After that, they are out of room. All other TPs are filled with content. 129 has enough room to mirror all of that, so dont worry about being left out on the western side!

I am assuming once they play satellite shuffle and move E6 to an eastern arc location, they will mirror all the SD/mpeg2 HD stuff from 110/119 onto E6, and eastern arc will be "born". They'd still be in a bind for new HD, unless they can get 4,6,26,28 active on 61.5... because:
They will have 3 groups of customers
1. Existing Eastern US customers that dont have an EA dish. They will be pissed if new HD is added that they cant get. (for example, added to 129 and E6 at 72).
2. New Eastern US customers that have an EA dish. No forseen problems with this group.
3. Western US customers. No problems here either, except for a wobbly satellite at 129. Won't even need a dish upgrade.