DishNetwork Uplink Activity Report - 3/27/2008 12:12pm - 9 changes

A sure fire way to not know whats going on with E* is to rely on them for info.

Good one. :)

Agree totally on the "CSRs" (or most of them, anyway) but to be fair, I don't think there have been many (if any) occasions when Charlie promised something specific and didn't deliver (apart from his use of "creative counting"). It's mostly been a case of rumors not coming to fruition or people reading too much into things (e.g. the BSG babe, release of new packages).

I guess the point was to "believe it when you see it"!
WHY THE BOO HOOO??? Charlie says we have the most HD and should be happy. We should trust Charlie remeber Charlie makes the best tuna from Chicken of the Sea.(ANOTHER FISH TALE):hungry:
[For example] Someone who is interested that the spot beams from Rainbow 1 are being turned on at 61.5, even though they can't receive 61.5...

Not sure if that would be a satellite hobbyist, more like a pissed off satellite owner.;)
Interesting all this talk about 61.5...I've got a dish pointing at 61.5 going unused at the moment. Two years ago Dish convinced me to 'Upgrade' to recieve my HD from 129, so thats where its coming from, my Chicago locals and everything. what? lol...downgrade to my 61.5 dish again? lol...
Interesting all this talk about 61.5...I've got a dish pointing at 61.5 going unused at the moment.

You are in Fat City (relative to all the other people scrambling to get someone to install a 61.5 dish).

Just sit tight, but some time this spring it will probably be advantageous to hook it up to your receivers...
You are in Fat City (relative to all the other people scrambling to get someone to install a 61.5 dish).

Just sit tight, but some time this spring it will probably be advantageous to hook it up to your receivers... I call Dish to say I'm not getting a signal. They send one of thier local contractors out. I give the guy 20 bucks and ask him to change my switching and report the issue as resolved. everybody wins.... lol :D

Thanks for the advice...:up
I followed the advice being proffered in this thread and looked in my guide this morning for the Austin Tx HD locals and guess what -- they are not there! But the Dish web site says they are available. How can that possibly be?

Oh yeah, because I read the SatelliteGuys.US uplink threads, I know that they are up-linked & available on 61.5W in the 5180-5183 range. BTW this tidbit of info was very valuable yesterday while requesting a wing dish to get the Austin HD locals -- when the CSR told me they would just send out a tech to re-point my Dish 1000 to improve the signal level :eek:

Talon Dancer
Actually that makes sense since there is no point in showing you guide data for channels you cannot (currently) receive.
I followed the advice being proffered in this thread and looked in my guide this morning for the Austin Tx HD locals and guess what -- they are not there! But the Dish web site says they are available. How can that possibly be?

It was implicit in the advice that it was referring to National HD Channels...

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