Dishnetwork site down all morning?

Yeah, I've been trying to order a ppv movie with one of mine ppv coupons. I was able to get into my account but it was painfully slow. The weird thing was is that I clicked on the "order" button for the movie I wanted to see (Inception) but after I clicked on it, it took me to a page for a completely different movie (I forgot which one). Anyway, they must be either upgrading their servers or redesigning the entire website for them to be down all day, which really sucks.:mad:
With the exception of Remote Access it appears all the Dish web pages aren't loading, earlier I got in but could not access my account. I imagine RA is working because it's kind of a "apples and oranges" thing perhaps related to Sling, we'll never know though. No PPV's least without a phone call.
If you decide to take the website down all day Dish at least do your customers a service and display a page indicating your are going to be down for maintenance or whatever. Sheesh.
lol, depends on your definition. Main page loads, some other pages very slow, can't get into my account....
Exactly - I can login but it is very slow and the prices that show up for all the packages are the old prices. And the Everything Pack is grayed out. So the website isn't very functional at all, but it is more than I saw this afternoon.
Seems doubtful it was an external problem. Account access not working, some pages still very slow. I do see some changes if I'm not mistaken they now took away the wording "HD" from the platinum package, and I may see an additional sports package or two that I don't remember.....
I have got to be honest, it looks like it was not a fiber cut as I just logged in and was then told the system was unavailable to try again later. If it was a fiber cut then the rest of the site would be working like normal... (although it seems that accessing your account on DISH's site is sometimes hard to do so maybe it is normal) :D :D
Could be any number of issues. That some have reported partial success even all along, I'm guessing some issue at their host, perhaps with a load balancer or a bad route getting sent out.
It's interesting because their pages are incomplete. At 9:08 CST, when I look at the comparison guide, the only channels that are listed are Dish America channels. And on the locals page, when I enter a downtown Chicago address, it says that the zipcode and address do not qualify. I did a 60618 zip code address and that is clearly Chicago.
Considering I couldn't even get domain name resolution this morning, I can believe the cut fiber... Except for the fact that the big boys should all be using at least 2 providers over two routes... Maybe they're running on backup systems this evening. That might explain why some things aren't updated.

BTW - I couldn't get to DRA as others have. How do you do that? Going direct to gives me a login page but I can't log in using the same credentials that I use on the main site.
Just went to the website at around 10:20 EST and everything seems to be functioning normally. I was able to log in to my account just fine and there were no unexpected changes or errors. The only problem was the comparison guide that zippyfrog mentioned.
Somebody tripped over the power cord at the server farm, wonder who got the TC for that one? All dish services were wacked today for the most part, almost had forgotten how to do the job without tech connect econnect owa etc. Nothing like getting to your first job to find out instead of what you were told on the phone by FSMs that the required receivers are something totally different, how hard is it to read the difference from a 222k to a 625 322 on a work order. Had dispatch calling me at noon wondering when I was going to make my next am that was 2 hours away when I was already working on my last PM jobs. Was definitely a wasted day for me. Thanks Dish next time you cut the cord I'm calling in sick!

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